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1974.12.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1974 CC Minutes
1974.12.17 CC Minutes
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2 9 ,� DECEMBER 17, 1974 <br /> G. Cardinal - 165th. Street - Mr. Cardinal asked if in three years and one <br /> day, the City could stop a business that was a nonconforming open use of <br /> land? The answer was yea, the City could stop his business if he did not <br /> apply for a Special Use Permit. <br /> Howard Schletty - Egg Lake Blvd. - Mr. Schletty asked if there was any re in <br /> that a person could not build a new house on 8 acres of land. He was told <br /> that he could not build a new house until he was first rezoned and proved <br /> that it fit within the comprhensive plan and prove that there is a build- <br /> able site. Mr. Lease explained that Zoning Ordinances are subject to re- <br /> vision from the day they are adopted. <br /> Dick Bury - Minnetonka - Land owner in Hugo - Mr. Bury stated that Nimmetonka <br /> zoned the same way fifteen years ago and they are now having a lot of pro- <br /> blems. He said the City should leave some open minds to allow the developers <br /> and land owners to come in with plans. He felt that you devalue the land <br /> by one half by having the lot sizes so large. He stated that he uwns pro- <br /> perty zoned Agricultural and plans to develop it in the near future. He said <br /> it is adjacent to a RR 2 district and he would like to change it to RR 2 <br /> prior to adoption of the Zoning Map. <br /> Carl Dale stated that Hugo's zoning map is based on projected sewer expansion <br /> plan unlike Minnetonka. He said Hugo's Ordinance is being used as an example <br /> by the Metro Council. <br /> Theodora Peltier - Mrs. Peltier protested to the Farm Site Plan. Said this <br /> wasn,t the Ordinance Committee's intention. <br /> Vern Peloquin - Forest Blvd. - Mr. Peloquin objected to the Farm Site Plan <br /> approval requirements. He said farmers don't always know what they need <br /> until they know what crops they're going to have. The process would take <br /> too long. He felt that they should only be required to get a building per <br /> mit. He also felt that the $1 ,000.00 was too low. Lease felt that this <br /> provision was put in to protect proposed road right-of-ways and from building <br /> on drainage ditches. <br /> Robert Waller - 14310 Homestead Avenue - Mr. Waller felt that the amount <br /> of $1 ,000.00 is too restrictive and it should be changed to $10,000.00. <br /> Bill Wunderlich - Ingersoll Avenue - Mr. Wunderlich felt that a farmer knew <br /> the best place to build on his property. Mr Lease stated that the council <br /> cannot tell you where to build but they do not want you to build on a drain- <br /> age ditch or where a proposed road might go. It is not the Council's intent <br /> to cause a hardship. He said this was also to protect the people from having <br /> a pig pen built right next to their homes for example. <br /> Harley Johnson - Frenchman Road - Mr. Johnson felt the $1 ,000 was very low <br /> figure. He said we're going to have a lot of ten acre farms with $995.00 <br /> sheds and if the amount was set at $2,000.00 there will be a lot of $1 ,995.00 <br /> sheds. <br /> Theodore Peltier - Mrs. Peltier felt that the Farm Site Permits should be <br /> handled by the Building Inspector instead of the Planning Commission and <br /> Council. <br /> Howard Schletty - Mr. Schletty felt that the $1 ,000 should be taken out. <br /> Mr. LaValle stated that a person that runs a 10 acre farm would not fall <br /> under this because they have to make a percentage of their incomes from <br /> the land to be exempt from obtaining a building permit. <br />
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