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1974.12.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1974 CC Minutes
1974.12.17 CC Minutes
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DECEMBER 17, 1974 /p�� <br /> 13:4D <br /> Jim Leroux - Elmcrest Avenue - Mr. Leroux stated that it was a small <br /> minority people that would fall under this classification and this is <br /> a hardship and far too restrictive. He suggested using a Nuisance Ordinance. <br /> Ken Tschida - From Grace Development - Mr. Tschida asked if Conservancy land <br /> could be used in clustered building. Mr. Dale stated yea. He said they have <br /> property in Section 30 which is extermely high and much of it would not be <br /> classified as Conservancey. He will bring in surveyor reports to prove it. <br /> He owns property in Section 29 and objected to baing classified by the <br /> time availability of the sewer. He said he is being grandfathered in with <br /> 10 acres of Agricultural and 17 acres of Conservancy and he wanted to know <br /> if he could build on it. Mr. Dale said yea. Mr. Tschida stated that he has <br /> a platted lot in SFE and wanted to know if it was a buildable lot. Attorney <br /> Johnson stated that existing parcels that can meet pera tests can be built <br /> on. <br /> Vern Peloquin - Forest Blvd. - Mr. Peloquin objected to being zoned Con- <br /> servancy on his homesite, and would like to be changed to Agricultural. <br /> Grace Axelson - 12317 Goodview Avenue - Mrs. Axelson has 40 Acres between <br /> 130th. and 132nd. which is zoned Conservancy and would like to be zoned <br /> Agricultural. They have a quite a bit of high land that they are now <br /> farming. Property adjacent is classified as RR 1 . <br /> Robert Waller - Homestead Avenue - Mr. Waller asked what they could expect <br /> after this meeting. Mr. Lease said the Council is going to ask people to <br /> come in that want changes and they will put a notice in the paper. <br /> Attorney Johnson suggested that the Public Hearing be continued at another <br /> time and not be terminated. <br /> Carl Dale suggested that the Council set a specific date to have the people <br /> come in a present themselves. <br /> Jim Leroux - Elmcrest Avenue - Mr. Leroux said that Conservancy is going to <br /> cause a lot of proplems and that a field team is going to be required, and <br /> large Conservancy changes should be done prior to adoption of the Ordinance. <br /> Hardwood Creek Land is all zoned Conservancy and this is a hardship for those <br /> that own land along Harwood Creek. Mr. Leroux objected to bing zoned <br /> Conservancy on his property along Hardwood Creek and would like it to be <br /> changed to Agricultural. He also didn't like the way a Special Use Permit <br /> is required. <br /> Joseph Marier - 145th. Street - Mr. Marier stated that he owns the Birch Vail <br /> Farm property and objected to being zoned Conservancy and would like to be <br /> zoned Agricultural. This property is just south of Oneka Lake Boulevard. <br /> Harley Johnson - Frenchman Road - Mr. Johnson stated that some districts <br /> were listed as GB. It was decided that GB's should be changed to CBs or <br /> RDs. <br /> Attorney Johnson stated that he had a discussion with Carl Dale and they <br /> would like to make the following suggestions: <br /> - To avoid confusion of people assuming tha.r"Permitted Special <br /> Uses: as being automatically permitted, the work permitted should <br /> be dropped. <br />
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