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fj JANUARY 19, 1976 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br /> TIME: 7:13 PM <br /> PRESENT: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Smith and Schletty <br /> 3.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, Leroux seconded to approve the minutes of <br /> January 5, 1976. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Smith, Schietty MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: Leroux made motion, seconded by Schietty to approve the minutes <br /> of the Special Audit Meeting held January 12, 1976. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Smith, Schletty MOTION CARRIED <br /> 4.0 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br /> MOTION: Smith made motion, seconded by Schletty to approve the <br /> General Claims of January 19, 1976. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Smith, Schietty MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, Leroux seconded to approve the Utility <br /> Claims for January 19, 1976. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Smith, Schletty MOTION CARRIED <br /> HUD - Mayor Lease referred letter from Hud concerning the audit to H. <br /> Kuusisto, Engineer, and City Clerk. <br /> 5.0 PETITIONS. REQUESTS. COMMUNICATIONS & LICENSES <br /> 5.1 NORDEEN - WASHINGTON COUNTY BICYCLE SAFETY PROGRAMS <br /> iii uuaSION: Proposed license fee is $2.00, one time only for that <br /> bicycle, or if sold, new owner must buy a new license. <br /> Film shown. Law enforcement to be encouraged. Mayor <br /> Lease can see the education program, but doesn't like <br /> fining a child. Wants to know what is being done to <br /> make bike riding safer for the bicyclist - Nordeen <br /> says juveniles can't be fined - fines are for the adult <br /> rider. <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, Schletty seconded to refer the pro- <br /> posed Bicycle Safety Ordinance to Hugo's Ordinance <br /> Committee for study. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Smith, Schletty MOTION CARRIED <br /> PUBLIC HEARING 8:00 PM <br /> Clerk read the notice for the Public Hearing, a Public Hearing for a <br /> petition for a Mobile Home Permit for James D. Johnson, 7194 - 132nd Street <br /> North, Hugo, Minnesota. Lease asked if Johnson realized the previous <br /> mobile home was on a hardship basis - stated he would also apply for the <br /> hardship basis as he is recovering from a fractured shoulder and needs the <br /> help of the man in the mobile home until this spring. He purchased the <br /> mobile home after he bought the farm buildings and 10 acres. LaValle <br /> questioned the future use of the land-residing on land or farming on the <br /> 10 acres, a minimum amount. Johnson said it is in the agreement for the <br /> next three (3) years that he would have accessibility to the 118 acres of <br /> cropland. No comments from anyone other than the council. <br /> PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:08 PM <br /> 5.4 J. iUtnNbUA - MOBILE HOME PERMIT <br /> MOTION: Smith made motion, Schletty seconded to grant a Mobile Home <br /> Permit to James D. Johnson, 7194-132nd Street North, Hugo, <br /> Minnesota, under Chapter 40, Article III, Subdivision D for <br /> a period of not to exceed ninety (90) days for a medical <br /> with the understanding that more dramatic proof will be <br /> needed if a renewal permit is sought. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Smith, and Schletty MOTION <br /> CARRIED <br /> 5.2 DOUGLAS FINK ATTY. FOR HAROLD BRAMSTEDT-OVERFLOW DRAINAGE <br /> Bramstedt owns 160 acres - claims the drainage to Egg Lake will cause <br /> an overflow of some 70 acres of his tract. Claims this watering <br />