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JANUARY 19. 1976 - CITY COUNCIL <br /> will decrease the valuation of his property and reduce useable land. <br /> City Engineer will present data at next meeting of February 2, 1976. <br /> 5.3 N. PELTIER - VARIANCE APPLICATION AND SITE PLAN APPROVAL <br /> Slab already poured for proposed building. Council questioned dis- <br /> tance form building to road and drainage problem. Peltier said he <br /> had no drainage problem. <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Schletty to table the <br /> Variance Application and the Site Plan Approval until a <br /> drainage plan is established for the property and given <br /> to the City Engineer for his consideration. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Smith, Schletty MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.4 L. DURAINE — SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br /> R. SCHUH - MINING PERMIT - REMOVAL OF AGGREGATE ONLY <br /> LaValle said Rehbein said the pile was deliberately stockpiled in <br /> violation of the Ordinance and Smith said Barton also feels that <br /> Schuh was in violation, (when Schuh was a subcontractor for M. <br /> Rehbein) , of the Mining Ordinance. Leroux asked if Schuh wasn't aware <br /> that he couldn't stockpile without a permit - Hiniker said no. <br /> Attorney Hiniker did say that R. Schuh was aware that there was a <br /> Mining Ordinance. LaValle said he feels Schuh was in violation pre- <br /> viously, and he will vote against it. Hiniker said the pile is there, <br /> and Mrs. Duraine has a right to this income from her property. <br /> Hiniker said if approval is given, they will comply with all reasonable <br /> requests of the city. Lease said part of the problem is Schuh's <br /> past unwillingness to comply by getting a permit. He was crushing <br /> rock over four (4) years. Hiniker said he now realizes he must com- <br /> ply with all reasonable requests. C. Johnson said it should be <br /> documented and have engineers photograph the stockpile as a record <br /> of how it stands right now. Lease wants to go on record as saying <br /> the pile should be removed if something can be worked out, but <br /> sees haul routes and policing as a big problem. Special Use Permit <br /> conditions: <br /> 1. Performance bond of $3,000 be posted for inspection fees and <br /> letter of credit. <br /> 2. Speed limit of 45 MPH on City of Hugo roads. <br /> 3. Haul route established by City Council from pit going South on <br /> Irish to 8A. <br /> 4. Permit limited to stockpile only. <br /> MOTION: Motion made by Lease, seconded by Smith to table until <br /> the next meeting of February 2 until the engineer's report <br /> is in. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Smith, Schletty MOTION CARRIED <br /> Attorney Hiniker would like a representative to be present when <br /> Kuusisto reviews the site. <br /> Recess called at 9:47 PM until 10:10 PM. <br /> 6.0 ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS <br /> J. Ion qualifies for PERA and it was questioned whether she should <br /> come under the coordinated plan or Police, a Council decision. <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, Smith seconded that a Resolution be <br /> drawn up by the Clerk to be presented at the next meeting <br /> of February 2, placing J. Ion under the coordinated fund. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Smith, Schletty MOTION CARRIED <br /> 7.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 7.1 J. MOE - PLAT APPROVAL <br /> Copy of covenants given to attorney. Road profile, cross sections, <br /> and easements all given to engineer. Preliminary road plan sub- <br /> mitted, not final plan. <br />