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Mobile Home request — Joseph Gregoire, 7600 165th Street. <br /> 22 Notice of Public Hearing read. Mr. Gregoire applied for a <br /> temporary mobile home permit on the Gregoire property under <br /> Chapter 40, Article III, Subdivision D. Lease explained that <br /> such a permit is normally issued in cases of dire need because <br /> of illness orwhere there is a full time farm operation where <br /> there are dairy cattle and a large tract of acreage to maintain. <br /> Read letter from Mr. Gregoire explaining his unemployed son <br /> is travelling from. Stacy to help his father with his chores, <br /> which because of his rheumatism he can not do himself — ex— <br /> plained there are already two residenses on the property — <br /> one he lives in and one his son Jim lives in — Jim helps him <br /> as much as possible. LaValle questioned that there is one full <br /> time farming operation being handled by three part time people <br /> on the same eighty acres of land. Gregoire said there is a <br /> water line and cesspool already there which are not being used. <br /> Cesspool has not been used for the past ten years. Son would <br /> like to build home later when he can find employment. Lease <br /> explained that if issued, the permit is only good for ninety <br /> days, after which time it would have to be renewed. Hearing <br /> closed at 8:08 P.M. <br /> MEETING RECONVENED AT 8:09 P.M. <br /> JOSEPH GREGOIRE — MOBILE HOME PERMIT <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by Smith to approve the <br /> request for a mobile home permit for Joseph Gregoire <br /> under the following conditions: <br /> 1 ) That a complete review be made in one year to <br /> see if there is any change in the operation. <br /> 2) Have building inspector determine if new sanitary <br /> sewer system is needed. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, and SMith. MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.2 INSURANCE REVIEW <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Smith, that the Mayor <br /> contact a firm to do a study to review the insurance <br /> needs of the City and report back. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, and Smith. MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.3 MOBILE HOME PERMIT — GORDON W. RUSSETT <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Smithy-to grant renewal <br /> of a mobile home permit for Gordon W. Russett, 8086 <br /> 165th Street for ninety days, subject to a letter being <br /> sent by the clerk informing him it is not to be used <br /> as a home. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, and Smith. MOTION CARRIED <br /> SUNSET LAKE REVIEW <br /> Due to complaints that Sunset Lake was being polluted, the <br /> City Engineer was requested to make a complete study of the <br /> lake. He found an overflow pipe from a septic aystem drain— <br /> ing into the lake. City ealth officer and Councilman Smith <br /> also inspected problem. Engineer recommends Council review <br /> the matter. Mel Strand, who purchased the property September 1 , <br /> 1975 from Don Tauer, said he was lead to believe that thn <br /> sewer system was very adequate and he believed him. The system has <br /> a 1 ,500 gallon septic tank and a 500 gallon lift station that <br /> pumps into a distribution box and then into the drain fields <br /> which consist of washed sand and washed aggregate covering <br /> 750 cubic feet of drainage area. After Strand's daughter moved <br /> in on September 1 ,1976, there was an odor detected and he later <br /> discovered there was an overflow pipe running into thelake. <br /> Because of the location of the pipe, he couldn't immediately <br />