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MARCH 1 , 1976 23 <br /> determine if the pipe was coming from his own system or from <br /> a neighbors. After plvzgging the end of the pipe, he determined <br /> the overflow was part of his system. Upon complaint of Strand, <br /> several times Tauer repaired the faulty pump, but each time it <br /> was only a temporary measure. Strand contends that Mr. Tauer <br /> is still the fee owner of the property and it is his responsi- <br /> bility to rectify the situation. He is living on the property <br /> only under a purchase agreement and will not sign closing <br /> papers until Tauer corrects the situation, and at the present <br /> time he has litagation against Mr. Tauer. Smith asked Strand <br /> if he plans on doing anything to remedy the situation at this <br /> time. Strand said he could solve the overflow problem by plug- <br /> ging it, but then Tauer would still have to replace the pump. <br /> Dr. Olson, City Health officer stated that if the overflow was <br /> plugged, without repairing the system, it would result in a <br /> health hazard. Richard Miller, PCA, said they would assist the <br /> City in whatever way they can to solve this problem, as well <br /> as other problems on the lake too. PCA would like local government <br /> to handle these situations but will give whatever assistance <br /> is necessary, he said. Terry Skelton, Rice Creek Watershed, <br /> said they could probably have an injunction placed on them in <br /> ten days. Health office Dr. Olson instructed to take whatever <br /> steps necessary to have this problem eliminated. City Engineet <br /> said all the lakeshore residents of Sunset Lake are in violation <br /> in one way or another. <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Smith, to have Dr. <br /> Olson contact the County Health Department for a <br /> possible injunction to close the Tauer or Melvin <br /> Strand home. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, and Smith. MOTION CARRIED <br /> MEETING RECESSED AT 9:30 P.M. - RECONVENED AT 9:05 P.M. <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by Smith to amend Chapter <br /> 262 of the Hugo City Code, entitled, "Sewer System" <br /> to extend the time limit for connection to the sanitary <br /> sewer system from April 1 , 1976 to September 1 , 1976. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, and Smith. MOTION CARRIED <br /> BID FOR NEW POLICE SQUAD <br /> MOTION: Smith made motion seconded by Lease to accept the low <br /> bid for one Dodge Monaco, four door with trade of 1975 <br /> Plymouth to for $3,617.70, to McMillan Dodge of Forest <br /> Lake, Minnesota. <br /> V€TING FOR: Lease, LaValle, and Smith. MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: Smith made motion, seconded by LaValle, to make a <br /> change from the 360 to 400 (cubic inch carburator 'with <br /> 4 barrell carburator) engine for a difference of <br /> $111 .00. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, and Smith. MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: Lease, made motion, seconded by LaValle, to accept <br /> the monthly police department report. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, and Smith. MOTION CARRIED <br /> 6.0 REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES <br /> ORDINANCES <br /> Smith reported the committee is working on a driveway permit <br /> ordinance and should have it ready for first council meeting <br /> in April. <br />