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APRIL 27, 1976 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL 39 <br /> 9 <br /> TIME: 7:14 P.M. - WITHROW SCHOOL <br /> PRESENT: Lease, Leroux, Schletty and Smith. <br /> SUNSET LAKE INFORMATIONAL MEETING <br /> Lease read notice of public meeting - announced that Hugo is under <br /> orders from the PCA and Rice Creek Watershed District to clean up <br /> the lake and this is one of the reasons for holding this meeting. <br /> He said the Council is trying to keep this a local issue whereby the <br /> people can work with the council and the City Engineer to resolve <br /> their problems,rather than turning it over to either PCA or Rice <br /> Creek. Several general meetings have been held, he said, looking at <br /> the lake level and causes for some of the pollution and they haven't <br /> been able to come up with a solution. Tonight Howard Kuusisto, City <br /> Enginee6, will try to come up with some solutions. Will present some <br /> proposals and then answer questions. <br /> Howard Kuusisto presented an ariel photograph of the Sunset Lake <br /> area, and announced the purpose of this meeting is to get the feel- <br /> ings of the people as to what they would like to see done - presented <br /> some of the problems of the most serious nature - stated that PCA <br /> is concerned with the pollution problems, contaminated wells and also <br /> the lake level. The lake level itself is presenting a problem, he <br /> said. Some of the septic systems have effluent draining into the lake. <br /> Effluent he explained is the material that drains out of the septic <br /> system; influent is the material that enters the septic system. He <br /> explained that many of the private systems are not working properly. <br /> One of the problems is possible entrance of the effluent into the <br /> lake and into the ground where it can enter the wells. Some drainage <br /> systems are too close to the well. For some people on the Eastern <br /> side of the lake, it is almost impossible to get far enough away from <br /> the lake, he said. To the north, a little more land is available and <br /> the problem is not so great. He also stated that it is necessary <br /> for the lowest part of the drainfield to be at least 4' higher than <br /> the lake level. The systems on the east side of the lake fail for <br /> many reasons, among them the lake level, not sufficient land available, <br /> and the distance the septic system is from the well. As we go further <br /> north, he noted, there are some residents that are more remote but <br /> are putting raw sewage into the lake. He explained that Sunset Lake <br /> is at the upper end of the drainage basin that flows eventually through <br /> an outlet into Round Lake. Sunset Lake is rising faster, at the present <br /> time, than it can empty into Round Lake; it must first climb to a <br /> higher elevation and it is out of the jurisdiction of Hugo to alter <br /> this situation. <br /> In regard to Royal Haven Estates on the West side of the lake, <br /> he said it would be possible to transport that sewage further to the <br /> west if necessary. <br /> He stated that in order to have an adequate private sewer system <br /> and eliminate contamination of wells itwould be neccessary to have <br /> sufficient land to provide treatment otherwise it would be necessary <br /> to purchase more land or acquire land wherever possible to treat it. <br /> This would be the easiest and least expensive solution. <br /> Another alternative would be a collective unit for those in diff- <br /> iculty, by means of isolating five or six units and then pooling them <br /> together or get the entire population on the east side of the lake to <br /> transport theLr sewage to another location to treat it and the treat- <br /> ment coPild be the same as for a private system except it would be <br /> away from the lake. <br />