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The collective system consisting of septic tank (which is con- <br /> sidered an Imhoff tank) and drainfields and pumping station would <br /> cost approximately $70,000.00 to $85,000.00 for the sewer along the <br /> lake and the treatment unit and drainfield would run an additional <br /> $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 without land acquisition. <br /> Another solution would be a Small Package Treatment Unit which <br /> would cost approximately $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 for a used unit. <br /> It would require blowers, need an operator and horsepower for elec- <br /> tricity involving cost of operation. A new unit would run $75,000.00 <br /> The first or second alternative would be preferable from the <br /> standpoint of maintenance and the cost of operation would be minimal. <br /> The other people in the basin, further from the lake, would have <br /> to be considered, he said. Basically, the basin is formed of people <br /> living from Hilo going around to the north side of the lake and around <br /> over close to Irish Avenue, with the high ridges forming the natural <br /> barriers to the basin. <br /> (Discussion opened to public) <br /> Grover Storm: Asked if Sunset is a public lake - said it is a meandering <br /> 8042 N. 132 lake and asked about dam on west side of lake. <br /> Kuusisto: The lake was flowing over the dam when we looked at it. <br /> Storm: Can the dirt be moved out of the road on the west side of lake? <br /> Lease: It is public water and DNR has control of it. That wouldn't <br /> necessarily solve the problem anyway. <br /> Kuusisto: Meandering lakes are owned to a point out in the lake but <br /> you don't own the lake. <br /> Storm: What would happen if the road would be taken out? <br /> Kuusisto: Nothing. There are culverts under all the roads. All the <br /> lakes in our area have high water now. <br /> Storm: There is a state agency telling you to do something; is <br /> there any state aid available? <br /> Kuusisto: This is a lateral system and trying to get state or federal <br /> help is nearly impossible. There are other areas that need <br /> help so much worse that it would be next to impossible. <br /> Resident: Going from Hwy. 61 to Sunset Lake, what are the develop- <br /> mental prospects as far as getting sewer is concerned? <br /> Kuusisto: Hugo is divided into districts and from 61 to Goodview is <br /> is one district. Beyond that district, there are no prospects <br /> of getting sewer in the foreseeable future. There was the <br /> possibility that sometime in the future, there would be <br /> a line coming from the Southeast, but there is no current <br /> information as to when that line would be available. Until <br /> that time, it would have to be individual systems or a <br /> collective treatment center. <br /> 3esident: What would satisfy PCA's needs? <br /> Kuusisto: An adequate system. What are you people willing to do to <br /> correct your problems? This is what the Council wants to <br /> know. <br /> Resident: Who will enforce this? <br /> Kuusisto: The Council is responsible to see that it is enforced. <br /> Lease: On the east side of the lake, we know there are going tobe <br /> some really serious problems in trying to solve these matters. <br /> We know that certain systems are polluting the lake right <br /> now we are trying to show you tonight what the problems <br /> are and what some of the solutions can be and we are not <br /> certain what the costs will be. One way we could be certain <br /> to clean up the area would be to pump the effluent over to <br /> Pigs eye. That would be very expensive and we feel that it <br /> is possible to find another solution. <br /> Resident: Would it be possible to move the road making more land <br /> available to people on the east side of the lake. <br />