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CITY OF HUGO <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />ORDINANCE 1998- 322 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUGO, WASHINGTON COUNTY, <br />MINNESOTA, AMENDING AND REPEALING PORTIONS OF CHAPTER 180 <br />AND ESTABLISHING WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS ON CITY STREETS, <br />ROADS, AND OTHER PUBLIC WAYS <br />The City Council of the City of Hugo, Washington County, <br />Minnesota, does hereby ordain as follows: <br />Section 1. The existing Chapter 180 of the Hugo City Code is <br />hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced with the following: <br />180-1 Need. <br />The streets, roads and public ways of the City of Hugo <br />will be seriously damaged or destroyed by reason of climactic <br />conditions unless the usage of vehicles thereon is prohibited or <br />restricted, or unless permissible weights allowed are reduced <br />during certain seasons of the year. <br />180-2 Spring Load Limits. <br />Vehicles travelling or parked on the public streets, <br />roads and other public ways of the City of Hugo may not exceed five <br />(5) tons gross weight per axle during the spring thaw period. The <br />spring thaw period for City streets, roads, and other public ways <br />will be as determined by the Minnesota Department of Transportation <br />for state roads in the same area. Weight limit may be further <br />reduced by the City Engineer or Street Superintendent where <br />necessary to protect public safety, or the public's investment in <br />roadways, by the posting of signs identifying the reduced weight <br />limit on the street or roadway where the reduced weight limit is to <br />apply. <br />180-3 Exemptions. <br />A. The load limits hereby set forth are not applicable <br />to emergency vehicles, or to public school buses operated by, or <br />under contract to, any of the school districts serving residents of <br />the City of Hugo. <br />B. Further exemptions from the load limits established <br />herein can be granted by the City Council, the City Administrator, <br />the City Engineer, or the City Maintenance Supervisor. These <br />exemptions will be granted for hardship cases involving the public <br />health, safety and/or welfare. If an exemption is granted by the <br />