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this Ordinance for a person to have reasonably relied on proof of <br />age as described by State law. <br />Section 50.140. Severability and Savings Clause. <br />If any section or portion of this Ordinance shall be found <br />unconstitutional or otherwise invalid or unenforceable by a Court <br />of competent jurisdiction, that finding shall not serve as an <br />invalidation or effect the validity an enforceability of any other <br />section or provisions of this Ordinance. <br />Section 50.150. Signage. <br />Anyone holding a tobacco license under the provisions of this <br />Ordinance shall post and display in plain view of the general <br />public on the licensed premises a sign indicating that it is <br />illegal to sell tobacco, tobacco products, and tobacco related <br />devices to anyone under the age of eighteen (18) years and that the <br />possession and use of such items by minors is also illegal under <br />both State law and local ordinance. Said signs shall be of a type <br />approved by City staff and issued to a retail establishment at the <br />time that a license is obtained. The cost of said sign shall be <br />included within the licensing fee. <br />Section 50.160. Effective Date. <br />This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and <br />after its passage and publication, according to law. <br />WHEREUPON, said Ordinance was declared passed and adopted this <br />6th day of October, 1997. <br />CITY OF HUGO <br />B�; <br />f <br />ra iron, Mayor <br />Attest: <br />Mary Creager, Ci Clerk <br />Rev. 10/07/97 8 <br />