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CITY OF HUGO <br />NOTICE OF ORDINANCE ENACTMENT <br />The Hugo City Council adopted and passed Ordinance 97-317, entitled, "AN <br />ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SALE, POSSESSION AND USE OF <br />TOBACCO, TOBACCO PRODUCTS, TOBACCO -RELATED DEVICES IN THE <br />CITY AND TO REDUCE THE ILLEGAL SALE, POSSESSION, AND USE OF <br />SUCH ITEMS TO AND BY MINORS", on October 6, 1997, a complete copy of <br />which is on file and available for inspection by the public during regular office <br />hours in the office of the City Clerk, Hugo City Hall, 5524 Upper 146th Street, <br />Hugo, MN. In compliance with MSA 412.191. Subd. 4, the Hugo City Council <br />has directed that the following Summary of said Ordinance be published: <br />This ordinance prohibits the sale of tobacco, tobacco products or tobacco <br />related devices by anyone within the City limits of Hugo without first obtaining a <br />license from the City to do so. Furthermore it prohibits: <br />• the sale of tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco -related devices by way of <br />vending machines or self-service methods. <br />• the sale of tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco -related devices to any <br />person under 18 years of age. <br />• any person under 18 years of age from possessing, purchasing, attempting to <br />purchase, or otherwise obtaining any tobacco, tobacco product, or tobacco - <br />related device. <br />• any person under 18 years of age to smoke, chew, sniff, or in other way use <br />any tobacco, tobacco product or tobacco -related device. <br />• any person under 18 years of age from attempting to disguise their age, or to <br />use false identification, or to use the identification of another person to <br />acquire or purchase tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco -related devices. <br />The ordinance established penalties for its violation and institutes compliance <br />checks for establishments selling tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco -related <br />devices. <br />Fran ron, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary Ari Creager, City CI <br />