using such means of identification. (b)Subsection(a)notwithstanding,whenev-
<br /> Sec.30.5.Interference With Enforcement. er any person who owns,possesses or harbors
<br /> No unauthorized person shall break open any dog within the City learns that the dog has
<br /> 2. When unprovoked, chases or approach- the Animal Warden's pound or attempt to do so, bitten any human being, such person shall
<br /> es a person upon the streets,sidewalks,or any or to take or let out any animals therefrom,or to immediately quarantine such dog for a period of
<br /> public property in an apparent attitude of attack; take or attempt to take from any Animal Control at least ten (10) days, keeping it apart from
<br /> or disposition to attack, unprovoked, causing Officer or Animal Warden any dog taken up by other animals until it is determined whether the
<br /> injury or otherwise threatening the safety of him in compliance with the City Ordinance or dog has rabies. The quarantine may be by the
<br /> humans or domestic animals. Statute, or in any manner to interfere with or person owning the dog if such dog has a cur-
<br /> 3. Has a known propensity, tendency, or hinder such Animal Control Officer or Animal rent license and rabies vaccination at the time
<br /> disposition to attack,unprovoked,causing injury Warden in the discharge of their duties. the bite occurred. If the dog does not have a
<br /> or otherwise threatening the safety of humans Sec.30.6.Implied Consent for Entry. current license and rabies vaccination at the
<br /> or domestic animals. Any person who owns, possesses or har- time the bite occurred, the dog must be
<br /> The terms"dangerous dog"and"potentially bors a dog within the City limits grants implied impounded at a licensed pound or with a
<br /> dangerous dog" shall also be construed to consent for entry upon his/her premises,without licensed veterinarian at the owner's expense.
<br /> include similar classifications from other express consent,to the Animal Control Officer After the required ten (10) day quarantine, the
<br /> statutes or ordinances which are substantially in for the purpose of investigating complaints relat- dog shall be examined by a licensed veterinari-
<br /> conformity.with Minnesota Statutes §347.50, ed to this Ordinance. an to insure that there are no clinical signs of
<br /> whether or not the same words are used. Sec.30.7.Dog License rabies.If the dog is found to be rabid,it shall b(
<br /> Hobby Kennel means a "kennel" where (a) No person shall own, keep, or harbor humanely euthanized.
<br /> dogs are kept primarily for personal companion- any dog of more than six (6) months of age (c) If the dog owner cannot be located or
<br /> ship,for recreational enjoyment, or for perfor- without first securing a license from the City advised of the dog bite within two (2) hours of
<br /> mance events in addition to the purpose of Clerk who shall keep a record of all licenses the occurrence, or if the owner fails to quaran
<br /> improving the physical soundness and tempera- issued and shall issue a durable identification tine the dog as required by this Ordinance,the
<br /> ment of such dogs,and where the breeding and tag for such license.Upon receipt of an applica- Animal Control Officer shall cause the dog to be
<br /> selling of animals is incidental to occupancy of tion reciting the name and address of the impounded and so quarantined. After the
<br /> the premises for residential purposes,and is not owner,the address where the dog will be kept, required ten (10) day quarantine, if the dog is
<br /> a primary source of income. and the sex,breed,age,color and markings of still unclaimed,the dog shall be humanely euth
<br /> Kennet means any place where four (4) the dog for which a license is sought,and upon anized and tested for rabies;if claimed,the dog
<br /> dogs or more over six (6) months of age are payment of the license fee established by reso- shall be examined by a licensed veterinarian to
<br /> kept, raised,sold, boarded,bred,shown,treat- lution,the City Clerk shall issue a license in the insure there are no clinical signs of rabies. If no
<br /> ed or groomed. form of a metal identification tag for each ani- signs of rabies are observed,the dog can be
<br /> Owner means any person or the parents or mat released to the owner as specified in Section
<br /> guardians of a person under eighteen (18) (b) The term of a license shall run concur- 30.17 of this Ordinance. It the dog is found to
<br /> years of age who owns, harbors,keeps or has rently with a dog's rabies vaccination schedule. be rabid,it shall be humanely euthanized.
<br /> custody of a dog. Specifically, dog expires(and (d)The Animal Warden,Animal Control oft-
<br /> Person
<br /> alicense must be
<br /> Person means any individual, partnership, renewed) when a new rabies vaccination is cer,or other designate of the City shall have the
<br /> Corporation,firm,or group,however organized. needed. Failure to renew the license within thir- authority to verify if the dog is properly quaran-
<br /> Premises means the space of ground ty (30) days of anew rabies vaccination will tined. Any veterinarian quarantining an animal
<br /> immediately surrounding a dwelling house result in a late license penalty fee in the amount shall notify the Animal Warden before the
<br /> and/or outbuildings. established by resolution being owed to the release of such animal.
<br /> Sec.30.2.Exemptions. City. (e)Any dog known to have been bitten by a
<br /> Except where duties are expressly stated, (c)Failure to purchase a license within sixty rabid dog or exposed to rabies shall be
<br /> this article does not apply to hospitals, clinics, (60) days of establishing residence in the City, impounded.If,however,the dog is at large and
<br /> and other premises operated by licensed veteri- within Sixty (60) days of acquiring a dog, or cannot be apprehended after reasonable effort,
<br /> narians exclusively for the care and treatment of within sixty(60)days of a dog reaching the age the dog may be immediately destroyed. After
<br /> dogs. of six (6) months during any calendar year will impoundment,if proof of rabies immunization is
<br /> Sec.30.3 Animal Control Officer. result in the late license penalty fee being owed furnished and booster injections are given by a
<br /> The Animal Control Officer .shall have to the City. licensed veterinarian at the expense of the
<br /> police powers necessary for enforcement of this (d) Dog licenses are not required for dogs owner, the dog may be released to the owner
<br /> chapter, including authority to issue complaints that are kept in the City for thirty (30) days or as specified in Section 30.17 of this Ordinance.
<br /> for violations. less. Such dogs shall be known as "visiting If it cannot be proven that the animal has a cur-
<br /> Sec.30.4.Animal Warden. dogs."Visiting dogs must be kept in an enclo- rent rabies immunization,the owner may,at his
<br /> The City Council may appoint an Animal sure or on a leash at all times. discretion,make provision for a suitable quaran-
<br /> Warden and establish compensation for said Sec.30.8.Kennels. tine for a period of not less than six(6)months.
<br /> position.Such person or agency shall serve at (a)Commercial Kennels.It shall be unlawful Sec.30.11.Running at Large Prohibited.
<br /> the pleasure of the City Council. The City to operate a commercial kennel unless a permit (a) No person shall allow a dog to run at
<br /> Council shall annually review the work and to operate the same has been secured from the large at any time, except as provided in (b) of
<br /> compensation of the Animal Warden.No person City Council in advance. this section.
<br /> or agency shall be appointed Animal Warden (b) Hobby Kennels. Hobby kennels may be (b) This provision shall not apply to dogs
<br /> unless that person or agency has a microchip permitted in those zoning districts as specified used as a necessary element of a bona fidr
<br /> scanner for use in the identification of animals in Hugo City Code,Section 320(Zoning). livestock operation.Dogs used in bona fide live-
<br /> Sec.30.9.Rabies Inoculation of Dogs. stock operations shall be issued license tags of
<br /> All dogs in the City over the age of six (6) a different color than regular license tags. Said
<br /> months shall be inoculated for rabies and shall license tags shall be called "farm dog licenses'
<br /> be re-inoculated according to standard veteri- and shall be worn at all times.
<br /> nary practices thereafter. Such vaccination (c) No person shall apply for a farm dog
<br /> must be performed by or under the direct super- license unless their dog(s)are a necessary ele-
<br /> vision of a veterinarian duly licensed to practice ment of a bona fide livestock operation.
<br /> veterinary medicine in the state in which the Sec.30.12.Abandonment Prohibited.
<br /> vaccine is administered. A certificate from the No person shall abandon any dog within the
<br /> veterinarian inoculating said dogs shall be City.
<br /> exhibited to the Animal Control Officer and/or Sec.30.13.Nuisances.
<br /> Animal Warden upon demand, and will be (a) The following are public nuisances and
<br /> required as written proof of such vaccination at unlawful:
<br /> the time a dog license is obtained from the City. (1) Any dog that damages property(that is
<br /> Each dog shall wear a sturdy collar for aid not the property of the owner),including planti-
<br /> in identification with the veterinarian's metal tag ngs, lawns or structures, or that deposits fecal
<br /> showing proof of said current rabies inoculation. matter off of the owner's property that the owner
<br /> At the owner's discretion, a tatoo or implanted fails to remove promptly.
<br /> microchip may be used in lieu of the collar and (2)Any dog that,without provocation,chas-
<br /> tag if the tatoo and chip identification numbers es, molests or approaches pedestrians or bicy-
<br /> are placed on file at the City at the time of clists in a threatening manner upon the streets,
<br /> license application. sidewalks, right-of-way, or any public property,
<br /> Sec. 30.10. Animal Bites and Animals or habitually chases automobiles on the public
<br /> Exposed to Rabies. streets or highways.
<br /> (a) Any law enforcement officer or Animal
<br /> Control Officer may enter upon the private prop-
<br /> erty of any person while in pursuit of any dog
<br /> under probable cause to believe that such dog
<br /> has bitten a person or animal,or that.such dog
<br /> ','i§rabid,''
<br />