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(3) Any dog that is kept under unsanitary <br /> and/or inhumane conditions such that the main- <br /> tenance <br /> ain- y such dog that is not properly claimed <br /> tonhe annoyance or keeping of the animalltthe ridsates odors withr..t n'10 calendar days shall be humanelydog's release,the owner shall be required to <br /> to the thatof the public in ks vicinity. euthanizerf/' )he owner of the dogthat is eutha- sign a document acknowledging that the dog's <br /> (4) Anydog kills or attacks another <br /> nized shall be responsible topaythe impound- rabies vaccination and/or City dog license are <br /> domesticnwhiofthel orwe'livestockprwithout provoca- p n p not-current. The Animal Warden shall immedi- <br /> (5)tion while off the owner's property. ing,boarding and euthanization costs. <br /> p (b) This section shall nota I to police ately provide a copy of such document to the <br /> The owning,llby any keeping,oor, harboring ly dogs under the control of a apply <br /> law City Clerk and to the appropriate law enforce- <br /> and/orany dogss shall any noise,unreasonably enforcement officer duringthe performance of ment officer. It shall be the responsibility of the <br /> excessively disturb the peace and quiet <br /> of <br /> official police activities. dog owner to have the dog vaccinated as pro- <br /> sonably person in the vicinity.The phraserbthe"peace Sec.30.15.Cruel vided in Section 30.9 of this Ordinance, and/or <br /> nqui and/or excessively y disturb peace �' to have the doglicensed as provided in Section <br /> and quiet"shall include,but is not limited to,the No owner shall fail a provide any dog with <br /> humane care and treatment,sufficient good and 30.7 of this Ordinance. If evidence of the <br /> creation of any noise by a dog which can be wholesome food and water, proper shelter and required vaccination or dog licensing is not <br /> Controltd by any person,aw enforcement including an Animalm protection from the weather,and veterinarycare received by the City Clerk within the specified <br /> alocationOfficer the law wnofficer,etyhfrem <br /> When needed toprevent suffering. No person three(3)day period,a citation may be issued. <br /> a off dog andowner's, property where shall beat,cruellyill treat,neglect,or otherwise Sec. 30.20. Coordination With <br /> theedog isy being kept, awhich noise occurs abuse anydogor cause or permit anydogfightVeterinarians. <br /> r <br /> of timewith <br /> over (1)1 least t fiveoless lapseute <br /> of e or other combat between dogs and humans The City may enter into Agreements with <br /> of time n one animal minute noise dlapsethe time <br /> Sec.30.16.Females in Heat. veterinarians to assist in the administration of <br /> between each during five Everyfemale dogin heat shall be confined the provisions, of this Ordinance. Said agree- <br /> dogs that pare <br /> respondingp gito shall not rs orly to ments shall insure that an orderlysystem is set <br /> are to trespassers or to in a building or other secure enclosure in such Y <br /> dogs that are teased or similarly provoked to manner that such female cannot come in con- up to coordinate the licensing, vaccination, <br /> tact with another dog, except for the express impoundment,quarantine,and/or euthanization, <br /> bark. purpose ofplanned breeding, as needed,of dogs within the City.Said <br /> Any person may, by telephone, notify P P or shall be con- 9agree- <br /> the <br /> on a leash while being exercised. ment shall also provide for a reasonable <br /> enfthe City Clerk,officer Animalf Control edOvioler,tiolaw Sec.30.17.Seizure of Dogs:Impounding. method of compensating veterinarians for the <br /> this Ordinance.e ant of on acageo sot,h o- seize,im ound,or restrain services that they provide to the City. <br /> eve ,cotA formaltelephcomplaint call does not,a how- Any personmay p Sec.30.21.Constitutionality. <br /> ever,constitute a formal to initiate the any dog found running at large,any dog without tY <br /> a veterinarian's metal tagattestingto its rabies If any portion of this Ordinance is for any <br /> citationit process. All formal complaints shall be vaccination and/or dogwithout its Cityreason held invalid or unconstitutional., such <br /> s <br /> Clerk and shall describeeg tothe attention stateof the City any portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, <br /> Clerk and the dog, the acts license tag. Any person or officer (other than P <br /> the Animal Warden) impounding or restrainingand independent provision, and such holding <br /> committed by the dog,the name andth addressog,and such dogshall immediately deliver the same to shall not affect the validity of the remaining por- <br /> the person and haddress or harboringofthe <br /> persons dog, the Animal Warden. If the animal is collarless, tions thereof. <br /> the name the r the prompt-pt- the Animal Warden shall immediately ascertain Sec.30.22.Penalty. <br /> lythe oomplaint.The City Clerk shall then owhether the doghas a tatoo or embedded Any person, firm, or corporation violating <br /> of notify the personfineowning or eitherharbby <br /> the dog microchipas a means of identification. The any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be <br /> door tag,actsandcomplained of, letter ber Animal Warden shall thereupongive notice to guilty of a misdemeanor. <br /> bat shall request that the nuisance P Sec.30.23.Effective Date. <br /> abated or eliminated within a specified time the owner of the impoundment or: if the owner <br /> is unknown, or cannot reasonably be reached, This Ordinance shall be in full force and <br /> period. The City i er ork shallawalso cameause otne shallpost notice of the impoundment at the Cityeffect from and after its passage and publica- <br /> cerAnimal Control Officerfilelaw port on the oft- p tion, accordingto law, and licenses required to investigate and a report on the tom- Hall(and at such other places as may be desig- q <br /> nated by the City Council). If such dog is not herein must be secured within Six (6) months <br /> plaint claimed within ten (10) calendar days of such thereafter by persons owning, harboring, or <br /> (c)Upon receipt of a second complaint of a notice and all fees and charges paid,the keeping dogs at the time of such passage and <br /> violation of this Ordinance,the City Clerk shall posted <br /> cause the Animal Control Officer or law enforce- Animal Warden shall place the dog in the cus- publication. <br /> ment officer to investigate and file a second <br /> tody of a suitable person or shall humanely WHEREUPON, said Ordinance was <br /> euthanize the animal. Any dog restrained or declared passed and adopted this 16th day of <br /> report on the complaint.If the offense is corrob- <br /> impounded shall receive humane treatment and October,1995. <br /> by certified <br /> by the investigation,ier, ntiythethe City Clerkwshall,or p Fran Miron,Mayor <br /> sufficient food,water and shelter. <br /> by borit letter, oftiperson owning or Sec.30.18.Sanitation. Attest: <br /> harboringof, andthe dog thatthe nuisanceviolations complainedbtor Anyperson who owns, keeps or harbors Mary Ann Creager,City Clerk <br /> land requirei we or (24)e abated or anydog, dogdaily Published in the White Bear Press October <br /> eliminated within twenty-four hours or must removed all feces,on a 25,1995. <br /> basis, from all enclosed dog runs or kennels, <br /> some other reasonable time llsbecified in the let-e and must remove, on a daily basis, any accu- <br /> Animal. Co oftr the letter shall mailed shallto the mulations of dogfeces which are visible from <br /> athetpe Officer and a copy t. be anylocation outside the boarders of that per- <br /> (d)mailed to person making the complaint. son'sproperty. <br /> If the owner fails to take corrective Sec.30.19.Ire Impounding Boarding <br /> action within twenty-four (24) hours (or withinp g and Fees. <br /> (a) The Animal Warden may charge such <br /> the time contact specifiedhin the letter),lawthe City Clerk reasonable impounding fees for the care and <br /> agencyellnd/ thea City Attorney, <br /> enforcementmboard of anydogrestrained or ire <br /> and/or the Attorney,inform them of anyand all such fees so imposed impounded ll be and <br /> the alleged violation,and request that the owner d <br /> to the Animal Warden at the me of sharecllaiming <br /> be cited. the dog. The CityCouncil shall annuallyreview <br /> Sec.30.14.Dangerous Dog Prohibition. all feeso ire sed b the Animal Wardeno <br /> (a) It shall be illegal forn any that haserson is own, determine their reasonableness, and may, by <br /> keep,decpossess dorangerous <br /> harbor any dog that beendanger- resolution, impose such additional fees reason- <br /> ous dog a his prohibition dog or potentially ablyrelated to the necessary and reasonable <br /> dog. This shall apply whether expenses incurred bythe Cityfor the ca <br /> said declarationother has occurred. Thiin the City or inshall transportation, and/or care of impounded dogs. <br /> also plyjurisdiction. This prohibition e All suchpfees must be paid to the Animal <br /> also apply whether said declaration was made <br /> pursuant to M.S.§347.50(or pursuant to anoth- Warden prior to release of the animal. The <br /> er statute or ordinance which is substantially Animal Warden shall issue a receipt to the <br /> similar to M.S.§347.50. owner evidencing such payment. <br /> (b) In the case where an animal has been <br /> 1.Ifg a has bitten as dog or potentially danger- impounded whose rabies vaccination and City dog bitten a person,then the dog shall P <br /> first be quarantined according to the provisions dog license are not current, no dog shall be <br /> of Section 30.10 Following said quarantine released unless the owner agrees to have the <br /> period,then the provisions of paragraphs(a)2 dog vaccinated and licensed within three (3) <br /> &3 of this Section shall apply. days from the time of release.At the time of the <br /> 2. The Animal Control Officer or law <br /> enforcement officer shall immediately seize and <br /> impound any dangerous dog or potentially dan- <br /> gerous dog that is found within the City. The <br /> dog will be kept no fewer than ten(10)calendar <br /> days.The owner has until the end of this time <br /> period to provide written verification that the dog <br /> will be legally removed from the City,or that the <br /> dog will be euthanized.The owner must pay all <br /> associated impounding and boarding costs prior <br /> to the release of the dog. Upon its release,the <br /> dog shall be immediately transported to a loca- <br /> tion outside of the City,or to a proper facility to <br /> be euthanized. <br />