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Subd. E Each licensed MSW collector shall use only vehicles and <br /> equipment so constructed that the contents will not leak <br /> or spill. The vehicles and equipment shall also be kept <br /> clean and as free from offensive odors as possible, and <br /> shall not stand in any public place longer than is <br /> reasonably necessary to collect MSW. The licensee shall <br /> also insure that the immediate collection site is left <br /> tidy and free of litter. <br /> Subd. F The licensee shall offer service to every resident in <br /> the City, who desires such service from the licensee, at <br /> a consistent rate as defined by volume in Section 120- <br /> 11, Paragraph D. <br /> Section 120-12 . MANDATORY RECYCLING FOR SOLID WASTE HAULERS <br /> Each licensed MSW hauler shall provide its customers with an <br /> opportunity to recycle through weekly collection of targeted <br /> recyclables. <br /> Subd. A The curbside collection of targeted recyclables shall be <br /> on the same day as the collection of other materials, <br /> but may occur at a different time within that day. The <br /> targeted recyclables collection shall be from a location <br /> at or near the customer's collection point for other <br /> materials or some other location mutually agreeable to <br /> the hauler and the customer. <br /> Subd. B At a minimum, the materials collected shall be those <br /> designated as targeted recyclables by the City. <br /> Subd. C In each instance where a licensee does not collect <br /> recyclable materials from a residence or business, <br /> adequate notification as to why the recyclable material <br /> was not picked up must be left with recyclable materials <br /> left at the curbside. <br /> Subd. D The licensee is also deemed the owner of the recyclables <br /> upon collection, the licensee is responsible for <br /> marketing or disposing of targeted recyclables to the <br /> appropriate recycling facility. <br /> Section 120-13 . THE PROCESS FOR DESIGNATED TARGETED RECYCLABLES <br /> Additional recyclable materials may be designated as recyclables by <br /> resolution of the City Council after the effective date of this <br /> Ordinance. The designation process will be as follows: <br /> Subd. A Each licensed collector shall be given ninety (90 ) days <br /> notice of the proposed additions to the list of targeted <br /> recyclables. The notice shall specifically describe the <br /> designated material(s) proposed for addition, and <br /> describe how the addition might affect the duties and <br /> obligations of the licensee. <br /> Subd. B Each licensed collector shall also be given written <br /> notice of at least ten (10) days in advance of the time <br /> 8 <br />