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and date of the Council meeting that will consider the <br /> proposed addition to a list of targeted recyclables. <br /> Subd. C Notice shall be given by regular U.S. mail to the <br /> address provided on the most recent license application. <br /> Section 120-14 . SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF A LICENSE <br /> The City Council may suspend or revoke the license of any licensee, <br /> whose conduct is found to be in violation of this Ordinance, or which <br /> poses a threat to the public's health, safety, or welfare. Such <br /> revocation or suspension may only occur following a public hearing, of <br /> which the licensee has received prior notice. Sufficient notice to the <br /> licensee shall be a written statement of the date, time, location, and <br /> purpose of the hearing, deposited, postage paid, with the U.S. Postal <br /> Service, at least ten days prior to the hearing, and addressed to the <br /> licensee's business address, as listed on the licensee's most recent <br /> application for a license, license renewal, or written notice to the <br /> City of address change. <br /> Section 120-15 . STORAGE AND PLACEMENT FOR COLLECTION <br /> Subd. A Platted residential areas of the City shall have MSW <br /> placed at curbside on the day of collection. In platted <br /> estate and rural areas of the City, containers and bags <br /> may be placed at the end of the driveway on collection <br /> day. At all other times, the containers shall be so <br /> located, in so far as possible, out of public view in a <br /> secure place. <br /> Subd. B Beginning on June 1, 1995 , any solid waste container <br /> exceeding seventy five (75 ) gallons in size, and located <br /> on property used for purposes other than single family <br /> residential, shall be contained within a building or <br /> within a secure area which has an impermeable floor <br /> surface, and is enclosed and screened within a 90% or <br /> greater opaque wooden or metal fence or masonry wall not <br /> less than six (6 ) feet in height having a gate or <br /> doorway which remains closed except for access purposes. <br /> All enclosures must be large enough to allow for storage <br /> of recyclable material containers. <br /> Subd. C All containers for garbage, other refuse, and yard waste <br /> shall be made of metal or other suitable material, which <br /> is rodent and water proof, and fire resistant, and which <br /> will not easily corrode. Containers shall be kept <br /> tightly closed. Garbage, other refuse, recyclables, and <br /> yard waste may be kept in a plastic bag of such strength <br /> that the contents therein will not rip, tear, or <br /> puncture the plastic bag. <br /> Subd. D All yard waste to be picked up by a licensed hauler <br /> shall be placed in separate bags or containers, and <br /> shall not contain garbage, other refuse, recyclables, or <br /> major appliances. <br /> Section 120-16 . FARM WASTE <br /> 9 <br />