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A. "Basic Service" means the delivery by Grantee to all <br /> Subscribers of satellite delivered special interest <br /> programming, automated programming, local television <br /> broadcast stations and access programming, and local <br /> origination channels by Grantee as covered by regular monthly <br /> charges paid by all Subscribers . This definition excludes <br /> optional services for which a separate charge is made. <br /> B. "City" means City of Hugo, a municipal corporation, in the <br /> State of Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council . <br /> C . "Class IV Channel " means a signaling path provided by a <br /> System to transmit signals of any type from a Subscriber <br /> terminal to another point in System. <br /> D. "Converter" means an electronic device, which converts <br /> signals to a frequency acceptable to a television receiver of <br /> a Subscriber, and by an appropriate selector permits a <br /> Subscriber to view all Subscriber signals included in the <br /> service . <br /> E . "Council " means the governing body of the City. <br /> F. "Drop" means the cable that connects the Subscriber terminal <br /> to the nearest feeder cable of the system. <br /> G. "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission and any <br /> legally appointed, designated or elected agent or successor. <br /> H. "Grantee" is Group W Cable of Ramsey/Washington, Inc . , a <br /> Minnesota Corporation, its agents or employees . <br /> I . "Gross Revenues " means all revenue derived directly or <br /> indirectly by Grantee, its affiliates , subsidiaries , parent, <br /> and person in which Grantee has financial interest of five <br /> 3 <br />