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Section 6. COMPENSATION. All members of the Planning Com- <br />mission shall serve without compensation. <br />Section 7. lWiOVAL FROM OFFICE. Any regular member of the <br />Planning Commission may be removed from office by a four-fifths <br />(4/5) vote of the Village Council. <br />Section 8. ORGAJIZATIOiL The Mayor, with the approval of <br />the Village Council, shall appoint a Chairman of the Planning Com- <br />mission from among the regular members. The Planning Commission <br />may create and fill such other offices as it may from time to time <br />determine. <br />Section 9. SECRETARY. The Village Council shall provide a <br />Secretary for the Planning Commission. The Secretary shall in no <br />event be a member of the Planning Commission, except that in the <br />absence of the Secretary from a regular meeting, the Chairman of <br />the Planning Commission shall designate a temporary Secretary, <br />either from among the members of the Planning Commission or non- <br />members of the Planning Commission, to serve as temporary Secretary. <br />Section 10. MEETINGS. The Planing Commission shall hold <br />at least one (1) regular meeting each month at a time and place <br />determined by the Planning Commission. All meetings of the Planning <br />Commission at which business is transacted shall be open to the <br />public. <br />Section 11. PROCEDURES. The Planning Commission shall adopt <br />rules for the transaction of business, and shall keep a public record <br />of all motions, resolutions, transactions, findings, minutes, and <br />reports, which shall be promptly reduced to writing, and a cony for- <br />warded to each member of the Planning Commission and each member of <br />the Village Council. On or before January 1st of each year the <br />Planning Commission shall submit to the Village Council a summary <br />report of its work during the preceding year. <br />Section 12. BUDGET. On or before the first day of September, <br />the Planning Commission shall submit to the Village Council a budget <br />of anticipated expenditures for the next succeeding year. <br />Section 13. EXPENDITURES. Expenditures of the Planning <br />Commission shall be within amounts appropriated by the Village <br />Council. The Planning Commission shall submit a report to the <br />Village Council on or before January 1st of each year, setting forth <br />in detail a complete report of all expenditures incurred during the <br />year. <br />Section 14. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE C01-11ISSION. The <br />Planning Commission shall be the planning agency and shall have the <br />powers and duties given such agencies generally by Laws of b:innc=sota. <br />1965, Chapter 670. It shall also exercise: the duties conferred upon <br />it by this ordinance; the duties conferred by the Ordinances of the <br />