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Subd. B. Off -Sale. "Off sale" licenses shall be issued <br />only to exclusive liquor stores, and shall be unlimited <br />in number. <br />Subd. C. Special Club. Special club licenses shall <br />be issued only to duly organized clubs as defined by <br />Minnesota Statutes Section 340.07, Subd. 15. <br />Section 4. APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE.. Every application for a <br />license to sell liquor shall'be verified and filed with the Village <br />Clerk. It shall state <br />(a) the name of the applicant, <br />(b) his age, <br />(c) representations as to his character, with such references <br />as may be required, <br />(d) his citizenship, <br />(e) whether the application is for "on -sales" or "off -sales", <br />(f) the business connection with which the proposed license <br />will operate and its location, <br />(g) . whether applicant is owner and operator of the business, <br />(h) how long he has been in that business at that place, and <br />(i) such other information as the Council may require from <br />time to time. <br />In addition to containing such information, each application for a <br />license shall be in the form prescribed by the liquor control commis- <br />sioner in the case of off -sale applications, and on forms specified <br />by the Village Council. No person shall make a false statement in <br />an application. <br />Section 5. BOND. In addition to the verified written applica- <br />tion defined herein, each application shall be accompanied by a surety <br />bond, or, in lieu thereof, cash or United States Government Bonds <br />in a sum of $1,000.00 for an Off -Sale license, and $3,000.00 for an <br />On -Sale license. Such bonds shall run to the Village and shall be <br />approved by the Village Council. The Off -Sale bond shall be approved <br />by the Liquor Control Commissioner also. Such bonds shall be con- <br />ditioned as follows: <br />(a) That the licensee will obey the law relating to such <br />licensed business. <br />(b) That the licensee will pay to the municipality when due <br />all taxes, license fees, penalties and other charges pro- <br />vided by law. <br />