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1972.03.13 ORD 1972-102
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1972 CC Ordinances
1972.03.13 ORD 1972-102
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Last modified
10/26/2017 2:11:36 PM
Creation date
10/12/2015 10:21:36 AM
City Council
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Meeting Date
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(c) That in the event of any violation of the provisions <br />of any law relating to the retail "Off -Sale" and retail <br />"On -Sale" of intoxicating liquor, such bond shall be for- <br />feited to the Village. <br />(d) That the licensee will pay to the extent of the principal <br />amount of such bond any damages for death or injury caused <br />by or resulting from the violation of any provisions of <br />law relating thereto, and in such cases recovery under <br />this subdivision (d) may be had from the surety on his <br />bond. The amount specified in such bond is declared to <br />be a penalty, the amount recoverable to be measured by <br />the actual damages; provided, however, that in no case <br />shall such surety be liable for any amount in excess of <br />the penal amount of the bond. <br />Section 6. LICENSE FEES. The license fees as herein defined, <br />shall be handled as follows: <br />Subd. A. Fee Disposition. Each application for a <br />license shall be accompanied by a receipt from the <br />Village Clerk for payment in full of the required <br />fee for the license. All tees shall be paid into the <br />general fund of the municipality. Upon rejection of <br />any application for a license, the Treasurer shall <br />refund the amount paid. <br />Subd. E. License Term. All licenses shall expire.on <br />the last day of December of each year. Each license shall <br />be issued for a period of one year except that if a <br />portion of the license year has elapsed when the appli- <br />cation is made, a license may be issued for the re- <br />mainder of the year for a pro rata fee. In computing <br />such fee, any unexpired fraction of a month shall be <br />counted as one month. <br />Subd. C. License Amount. The annual fee for an "on - <br />sale" license shall be $1,500.00. The annual fee for <br />an "off -sale" license shall be $100.00. The annual fee <br />for a special club license shall be $100.00. <br />Subd. D. Fee Refundability. No part of the fee paid <br />for any licenseissued under this ordinance shall be <br />refunded except in the following instances upon appli- <br />cation to the Council within 30 days from the happening <br />of the event. There shall be refunded a pro rata portion <br />of the fee for the unexpired period of the license, <br />computed on a monthly basis when operation of the <br />licensed business causes not less than one month before <br />expiration of the license because of: <br />(1) Destruction or damage of the <br />by fire or other catastrophe; <br />licensed premises <br />
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