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Subd. D. License Fee, Refundability. No part of the <br />fee paid for any license issued under this ordinance <br />shall be refunded except in the following instances <br />upon application to the Council within 30 days.from <br />the happening of the event. There shall be refunded <br />a pro rata portion of the fee for the unexpired period <br />of the license, computed on a monthly basis, when <br />operation of the licensed business ceases not less <br />than one month before expiration of the license because <br />of: <br />(1) Destruction or damage of the licensed premises <br />by fire or other catastrophe. <br />(2) The licensee's illness. <br />(3) The licensee's death. <br />(4) A change in the legal status of the municipality <br />making it unlawful for the licensed business <br />to continue. <br />Section 6. RECOMMENDATIONS OF VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. The Clerk <br />shall investigate all facts set forth in the application and shall <br />transmit his recommendations to the Council, together with any reports <br />from the police or the fire departments. <br />Section 7. GRANTING OF LICENSE. After receiving the recom- <br />mendation from the Clerk, the Council shall act on the application <br />as follows: <br />Subd. A. Council Action. The Village Council may <br />investigate all facts set out in the application. <br />Opportunity shall be given to any person to be heard <br />for or against the granting of the license. After <br />such investigation and hearing the Village Council <br />shall grant or refuse the application in its discretion. <br />Subd. B. License Limitations. Each license shall <br />be issued to the applicant only and shall not be trans- <br />ferable to another holder. Each license shall be issued <br />only for the premises described in the application. No <br />license may be transferred to another place without <br />the approval of the Village Council. <br />Section 8. PERSONS INELIGIBLE FOR LICENSE. No license shall <br />be granted to any person: <br />Subd. A. Minor. Under twenty-one years of age. <br />Subd. B. Convicted Felony. Who has been convicted <br />of a felony, or of violating the National Prohibition <br />Act or any law of this state or local ordinance relating <br />