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C. In 202.01 (4), after "storage" and immediately pre- <br />ceding "of" insert, <br />--and processing including crushing, washing, com- <br />pounding, or treating -- <br />D. In 202.01 (S), after "material" and preceding "for" <br />insert, <br />--on the property -- <br />E. Delete 202.01 (6) in its entirety, and insert in lieu <br />thereof, <br />--Mining shall not include the removal or moving of <br />materials for construction of roads, sewer lines, <br />storm sewers, water mains, surface water drainage <br />systems, provided said removal or moving is conducted <br />within established right-of-way or easements. -- <br />F. In 202.01, add the following, <br />--(7) Mining shall not include moving of materials <br />for minor agricultural purposes, conservation <br />purposes, or sod removal tnat does not materially <br />change the existing typography. -- <br />G. In 202.01, add the following, <br />--(8) Mining shall not include the moving of dirt <br />for landscaping purposes on a lot used for <br />residential purposes, or to be used for resi- <br />dential purposes when a building permit has <br />been issued. -- <br />H. In 202.01, add the following, <br />--(9) Mining shall not include the temporary storage <br />of sand, gravel, rock, soil, clay or other <br />natural deposits for retail sale in a zoning <br />district other than agricultural or residential. - <br />I. In 302, after "90 days" insert, <br />--from the effective date of this Ordinance -- <br />J. In 303, add the following, <br />--For issuance of the annual permit after the first <br />annual permit, the Governing Body in its discretion <br />may waive the requirement of public hearing and notice <br />when it determines there has been no substantial. <br />change in the circumstances of operation during the <br />expiring permit period.-- <br />