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C. In 302.04, add the following to the end thereof, <br />--and the subdivider shall be given 10 days notice <br />of said public hearing. -- <br />D. In 302.05 after "appear", insert the following, <br />--pursuant to notice of time and place -- <br />E. In 302.06, second sentence, after "If.the planning <br />commission fails to make a report" insert the <br />following, <br />--within said 60 day period -- <br />F. In 302.07, first sentence, delete "herein", and <br />insert in lieu thereof, <br />--in Section 302.04.-- <br />G, In 303.01 after "revisions required" insert the <br />following, <br />--pursuant to the provisions of 302.09-- <br />H. In 304.04 after "approved engineering standards" <br />insert the following, <br />--established by the Village Engineer or any appli- <br />cable State, County, or regulatory agency, -- <br />I. In 304.05, after the first sentence, insert a new <br />sentence as follows, <br />--Failure to receive any report as designated in <br />304.02 and 304.03 shall not invalidate the action <br />of the governing body. -- <br />J. In 402.01 (8), delete "City, Township or Village" <br />and insert in lieu thereof, <br />--Village of Hugo. -- <br />K. In 402.01 (21), delete "town board, city or". <br />L. In 501.01 (5), delete "radius" and insert in lieu <br />thereof, <br />--distance from the perimeter.-- <br />. <br />