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M. In 501.02 (8), between "all" and "proposed" insert <br />the following, <br />xi i <br />--e st ng and-- <br />N. In 501.02 (10), delete "permit". <br />O. In 502.04, delete in its entirety. <br />P. In 601.01, delete "as adopted" and insert in lieu <br />thereof, <br />--when adopted -- <br />Q. In 603.01, after "county highway plans" insert the <br />following, <br />--and Village street plans -- <br />R. In 605.04, delete "may be permitted by variance in <br />special cases", and insert in lieu thereof, <br />--shall not be permitted -- <br />S. In 605.10, after "The" and preceding "angle" insert, <br />--least-- <br />T. In 613.02, delete "six hundred (600)" and insert in <br />lieu thereof, <br />--four hundred eight (408)-- <br />U. Add new paragraph 614.17 as follows, <br />--614.17. Lot Size. Minimum lot width shall be 80 <br />feet at the building set back line, and all corner <br />lots shall be at least 95 feet in width at the <br />building set back line, and minimum lot depth shall <br />be 125 feet. The minimum lot area for single family <br />dwellings shall be 10,000 square feet. These limit- <br />ations are for purposes of subdivision and shall <br />apply except to the extent modified by the Zoning <br />Ordinance. Where a residential lot is not served <br />by both community water and sanitary sewer services, <br />it shall not be less than 160 feet in width and <br />contain not less than one acre, unless otherwise <br />provided in the Zoning Ordinance. Any variation <br />in the provision of this paragraph, except as pro- <br />vided in the Zoning Ordinance, shall be in accordance <br />with paragraph 911..-- <br />