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► f <br /> ORDINANCE 184 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 290 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE <br /> ENTITLED "SUBDIVISION" AMENDING CERTAIN FEE SCHEDULES <br /> AND ESTABLISHING A COST RECOVERY PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY. <br /> The City Council of the City of Hugo, Washington County, Minnesota, hereby ordains: <br /> 1 . In Section 290-3, Subdivision A (4) , entitled "Platting Procedure" , delete all <br /> and insert the following: <br /> (4) Prior to consideration of the proposed plan by the community authorities, <br /> the subdivider shall pay a fee as set forth below. <br /> (A) For a minor subdivision resulting in three (3) or less lots, the fee <br /> shall be $60.00. <br /> (B) For major subdivision where the entire property to be subdivided abuts <br /> an existing platted or dedicated public street, the fee shall be as <br /> follows: <br /> (a) 4 to 15 lots $100.00 <br /> (b) 15 to 30 lots $200.00 <br /> (c) Over 30 lots $200.00 plus $10.00 <br /> per lot over 30 <br /> (C) For a major subdivision which would require a new platted or dedicated <br /> street, the fee shall be $200.00 plus $10.00 for each lot in the sub- <br /> division. <br /> It is the purpose of the City to recover all expenses incurred in the review and <br /> approval process. The applicant shall reimburse the City for any expenses in- <br /> curred over the amount of the base application fee. At the initial review, the <br /> professional staff shall estimate the cost to the City. If the estimated cost <br /> of review exceeds the basic filing fee, the applicant shall be notified and shall <br /> deposit with the City an additional sum of money equal to the difference between <br /> the estimate and the basic fee. In the event the cost of review actually incurred <br /> further exceeds the estimate , the applicant shall deposit with the City a sum <br /> of money equal to the additional expenses prior to final action on the application <br /> by the City Council. In the event the actual cost of review is less than the <br /> estimate, the City shall refund to applicant the difference between the actual <br /> cost in excess of the prescribed application fee and the amount of money actually <br /> deposited by applicant. <br /> EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance becomes effective upon its passage and publication <br /> according to law, and upon becoming effective shall be incorporated in the City <br /> Code. <br /> ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF December , 1981 . <br /> Marvin LaValle, Mayor <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Carol A. Williams, Clerk/Treasurer <br /> Published in the Forest Lake Times the /7- day of , 1981 . <br />