<br /> ' The City Council of the City of Hugo,Washington County,Minnesota ordains-as
<br /> follows:
<br /> Subd. A Purpose. The purpose of this regulation is to establish certain
<br /> timum design specifications for driveways providing a means of ingress and STATE OF MINNESOTA
<br /> egress from private property located along and adjacent to the right of way of SS
<br /> the city street system of Hugo,Minnesota. COUNTY OF Washington
<br /> c„h,t R Definitions.For the purposes of these regulations the terms shall have
<br /> sanings given them: -
<br /> :ity Street System.This shall include all City Roadway systems under a,being duly sworn,on oath says he is and during all the times herein stated has been the publisher
<br /> Diction of the City of Hugo. - vspaper known as the Forest Lake Times and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows:
<br /> eel Classification.In the absence of an established classification,the
<br /> ,flowing definitions shall govern. inted in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed
<br /> (aa) Urban District. Urban district means those properties con-, ;qure inches.Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once each week.Said newspaper
<br /> tiguous to the City Street system of Hugo,Minnesota,including any street, columns devoted to news of local interest to the communiswhich it purports to serve and does not
<br /> that are built up with structures devoted to business,industry or dwelling other publication and is not made up entirely of patents,plate matter and advertisements.Said news-
<br /> houses where such structures are situated at intervals of one hundred and near the municipality which it copiesregularly(100)feet or less,for a distance of one quarter(1/4)of a mile or more. P Y purports to serve,has at least 500 re ularl delivered to
<br /> )bb)Rural District.Rural district means all other locations not meeting the ,as an average of at least 75%of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in
<br /> urban district definition. ,as second-class matter in its local post-office.Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Forest
<br /> (cc)Major Street.Any road that has an average annual daily traffic volume Washington and it has its known office of issue in the City of Forest Lake in said county,established
<br /> of one thousand(1000)vehicles or grater. agular business hours for the gathering of news,sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and
<br /> (dd)Minor Street.Any road that has an average annual daily traffic volume maging officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control dur-
<br /> less than one thousand(1000)vehicles. rosiness hours and at which said newspaper is printed. Said newspaper files a copy of each issue im-
<br /> (3)Frontage.The length along the street right-of-way line of a single ate Historical Society.Said newspaper is made available at single or subscription prices to any per-
<br /> property tract between the edges of the property.Corner properties have a rtnership or other unincorporated association requesting the newspaper and making the applicable
<br /> separate frontage along each street or road. aper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates of
<br /> (4) Frontage Boundary Line (F.B. Line). A line normal to the street cen- .d below.Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1,1966
<br /> terline,at the end of the frontage,extending from the right-of-way line to the hereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing of-
<br /> edge of the traveled way.. ,er and sworn to before a notarypublic statingnewspaper legalnewspaper.
<br /> (5)Buffer Area.Buffer area is the area along the frontage between the tra-
<br /> veled
<br /> that the news a er is a news a er.
<br /> veled way and the right-of-way line and within the frontage boundary lines.
<br /> The traveled way is that portion of the roadway used for the movement of oath that the printed Public Notice hereto attached
<br /> vehicles,exclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes.
<br /> (6)Driveway Width(W).Driveway width is measured normal to the driveway
<br /> at the narrowest point(between parallel edges).The widths shown are the
<br /> usuable surfaces including gutters if present.(See Table I) cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English
<br /> (7)Corner Clearance(C).At an intersecting highway,street or road,corner
<br /> clearance is the dimension measured along the edge of the traveled way bet- 'eek,for one successive weeks; that it was first so published on Thursday.
<br /> ween the frontage boundary line opposite the intersection of the two right-of-
<br /> Way lines and the tangent projection of the nearest edge of the driveway.
<br /> (8)Driveway Angle(Y).Angle Y is the angle of 90°or less between the drive- ,day of June 19 76 and was thereafter printed and published on every
<br /> way centerline and the edge of the traveled way.
<br /> (9)Edge Clearance(El.Edge clearance is the dimension measured along the 1 7th June 76
<br /> edge of the traveled way from the tangent projection of the nearest edge of uding the day of 19
<br /> the driveway to the common frontage boundary line with the adjacent pro-
<br /> perty” 1 is a printed copyof the lower case alphabet from A to Z,both inclusive,and is hereby acknowledged
<br /> 8uct PERMIT REQUIRED. No driveway sayllPermit has been altered,obtainedocon- nd kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice,to wit.
<br /> structed from or to a city street until a Driveway has from YP P
<br /> the City of Hugo,as herein required.
<br /> 82-3.PERMIT APPLICATION.A Driveway Permit application shall be filed by 6-point News Type--abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
<br /> or on behalf of the owner,on forms supplied by the City of Hugo prior to commen-
<br /> cement
<br /> Y�l�
<br /> of any driveway construction,alteration,or repair,and shall include the Kii*X =aAf(IH FIJ�C� t�
<br /> following. A ,
<br /> bd.A.PermitFee.A permit fee of$15.00 shall be deposited with the ap-
<br /> lim Nye/,` a,�
<br /> ror Driveway Permit. _
<br /> -ity Deposit.The City,on advice of the City Engineer,or the Build-
<br /> , Jr, may require the applicant,or their contractor,to furnish a
<br /> in the form of a letter of credit,cashier's check,certified check,a Subscribed and sworn to efore me this 22nd day of June 1976
<br /> surety bond on corporate undertaking,in favor of the•City of Hugo,for any ex-
<br /> pense incurred bathe Citye in the repairing ko ofm damage to any tifn ofc the City 1 r
<br /> Street right-of-way caused by work performed under the permit for construc-
<br /> tion,including any out of the ordinary engineering supervision and inspection
<br /> expense provided by the City.In those instances,wherein a deposit is required,
<br /> the amount of the deposit shall be specified in the Special Provisions of the per-
<br /> mit.If a check is furnished,any monies remaining over and above such ex- C C. KENNETH JARV
<br /> pense shall be returned to the applicant. `bnf,,' JJtar ublic, County,Minnesota
<br /> Subd.C.Information Required.The application shall include at least the name : CHISAGO COUNTY yy�
<br /> of the owner of the property;the property address,the legal description of the NOTAFY PUdt IC-MtNNE30TC mission Expires 19
<br /> property;together with such other information as may be requested on the ap-
<br /> plication form provided by the City. ^o•-woe.en Ser r, ta.ttato
<br /> Subd.D.Driveway layouts.As a part of the permit application,a c,iveway layout
<br /> of the property and proposed driveway(a)shall be submitted with the applica-
<br /> tion to the City Clerk.The driveway layout shall include buildings or proposed
<br /> buildings and any other relevant present or planned appurtenances that would
<br /> affect the traffic pattern.Driveway layouts shall be drawn to the scale of twen-
<br /> ty(20).thirty(30),orfifty(50)feet per inch.Such driveway layouts shall be
<br /> drawn in ink and attached to the permit application form.Four copies are to be
<br /> furnished-one each for the City,the building inspector,the City Engineer and
<br /> the applicant.Driveway layouts may be permanent photocopies or blueprints,
<br /> but not pencil skeches.Photographs are not acceptable as a substitute for a dri-
<br /> veway layout, but may accompany a driveway layout for illustrative pur-
<br /> poses.The requirement for layouts may be waived by the City Engineer in the
<br /> case of farm and residential entrances.
<br /> 82-4.INSPECTION. Inspections to insure compliance with the permit shall be
<br /> made by the building inspector.
<br /> 82-5. DRIVEWAY DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. Driveways that are to be
<br /> repaired,altered,or constructed shall be designed to satisfy the criteria herein set
<br /> forth.
<br /> Subd. A. District and Street Classification'I'he district and street definitions
<br /> listed above shall be used by the City Engineer to classify the streets,or roads,
<br /> and they shall pertain to the existing environmental conditions of the property
<br /> site under consideration on the date of application for the permit to construct or
<br /> alter a driveway.In urban areas where present traffic counts indicate a minor
<br /> street,with near future traffic volumes predicting a major street,the major
<br /> street classification shall be used by the City Engineer.
<br /> Subd.B.Driveway Width Dimensions.The recommended,minimum,or max-
<br /> imum driveway dimensions for the property site along a street are set forth in
<br /> Table I'. In all cases,the driveway must accommodate the types of vehicles
<br /> using it.
<br /> Subd.C.Driveway Profile.The vertical profile of a driveway shall meet the cri-
<br /> teria established herein.
<br /> (1)No street Edge Curb(Cut Section).
<br /> (aa)From the edge of the traveled way or pavement to the outer edge of the
<br /> shoulder,the vertical profile shall be the same as the pitch of the shoulder.
<br /> (bb)From the outer edge of the shoulder to the low point at the ditch line (or
<br /> over a culvert)the maximum allowable downward gradient shall be eight
<br /> (8)percent.
<br /> (cc)Beyond the ditch line(or culvert)the maximum allowable gradient
<br /> shall be eight(8)percent for commercial driveways and fifteen(15)per-
<br /> cent for other driveways.
<br /> t>_
<br /> q B D
<br /> •
<br /> A to B-Same pitch as shoulder slope.
<br /> B to C-8%max.(Min.pitch same as shoulder slope).
<br /> C to D-8% max.for commercial driveways,15%for others.
<br /> (2)No street Edge Curb(Fill Section).
<br /> (aa)From the edge of the traveled way or pavement to the outer
<br /> edge of the shoulder,the vertical profile shall be the same as the pitch of
<br /> the shoulder.
<br /> (bb)Beyond the outer edge of the shoulder,the maximum allowable gra-
<br /> dient shall be eight(8)percent for commercial driveways an fifteen(15)
<br /> percent for other driveways.
<br />