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7.0 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 7 f <br /> 8.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 <br /> 8.1 148th Street Water Extension - LaValle said church wants 12" <br /> water tap - Engineer said saddle will have to be used. Attorney <br /> said until the street and utility easement is established, no decision <br /> can be made. LaValle feels water should be dug in to the property <br /> line and then stop. Kuusisto said the distance is about 165 feet <br /> and would cost approximately $10 per foot. Lease and LaValle said <br /> possibly a public hearing should be held to find out what the people <br /> want. Attorney said when the proper deeds for the road easement <br /> are received, then we can proceed with putting in the water. LaValle <br /> asked if it could be done on an assessment basis. Kuusisto said <br /> that up to this time, this type of arrangement has not been made - <br /> the developer must pay the entire amount upon installation. Lease <br /> said city will pay up to $2,200.00 and church must pay the balance. <br /> Kuusisto suggested bids. Lease said bids would be called for as soon <br /> as the street matter is straightened out. <br /> Axin Products. Inc. - George Nixa, a building material wholesaler, <br /> appeared. He is preparing to purchase property in the Bald Eagle <br /> Industrial Park; it is a residual parcel - the north part of Lot <br /> 3, Block 2. He plans on using the property for distrubutorship of <br /> his business - warehouse, showroom and possibly some assembling. <br /> He plans on remodeling the interior and fixing up the exterior. <br /> Building inspector informed him any remodeling has to be approved <br /> by the Council since it is in an industrial district. Nixa told <br /> to present a site plan, giving legal description of property - <br /> showing buildings, parking lot and drainage plan. Nixa said some <br /> filling will be necessary on the property. Applicant to meet with <br /> City Engineer regarding filling and drainage plan. Applicant told <br /> he will not need Special Use Permit - it is accepted use in that <br /> district. <br /> Sunset Lake - Several residents appeared with questions regarding <br /> pollution resolution proposed by City. Council stated this is just <br /> first draft and was sent to Rice Creek Watershed for review and <br /> comments. Resident asked why eight years ago drain-field could be <br /> built only four feet from the lake - Lease said there was no building <br /> code eight years ago. LaValle said he doesn' t feel there is anyone <br /> on that lake that isn't contributing to the pollution problem - <br /> some contribute more than others. Lease said people on the east and <br /> north sides of the lake are the primary contributors. PCA will OK <br /> the systems on the west side of the lake temporarily. Crever said <br /> there are several people who don't own enough land to solve their <br /> problems by themselves. Lease said the city is looking into buying <br /> available land to buy to use for their septic systems. Resident <br /> asked if it was OK to start repairing their systems. Lease said <br /> that new systems should not be installed until an agreement is <br /> reached with Rice Creek Watershed District regarding requirements. <br /> Crever asked if it would be necessary to do perc tests on every <br /> lot - Lease said yes, except for those lots that are too small to <br /> put a new system on. <br /> 9.0 NEW BUSINESS <br /> 9.1 CLERK'S SALARY REVIEW <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by LaValle, to increase the <br /> clerk's salary from $800.00 per month to $875.00 per <br /> month, effective July 1 , 1976. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Leroux, to increase the <br /> salary of the clerk's secretary from $3.00 to $3.25 per <br /> hour, effective July 1st, 1976. <br />