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( A <br /> Vern Peloquin (15226 Forest Blvd.) - When will we know? Twenty days <br /> from tonight or twenty days after the review? <br /> Lease - The owner of the property may appeal to the Supreme Court within <br /> 20 days after the adoption. We will be sending you another letter. <br /> Bob Ricci (14716 Fondant Avenue No.) I object to paying for three <br /> properties in a row on lower 147th Street. Apparently, could not get <br /> an easement for the water to run down to the lake, and the water just <br /> sits in front of my property. <br /> Lease - I know that there is still a problem there, and that hasn't been <br /> solved yet. <br /> Ron Sparrow (5946 Oneka Blvd. ) - I would like to know why we have to pay <br /> for the ditch? It has not improved my property. I feel there should be <br /> only a partial assessment. <br /> Lease - I know everybody does not have pipe in front of their home. Some <br /> people have ditches. What we tried to do is drain a particular area, <br /> and divide the cost over all the benefited people. <br /> Darrell Granger (14830 Flay Ave. No.) - I also feel there is a mistake on <br /> my property, and also my father's, Edmund Granger (6516 147th St. No. ) . <br /> As much as 80% of my property has natural flowage. I would like to have <br /> my assessment rechecked. <br /> Robert Carlson (.14943 Forest Blvd. ) - My land to the south of the driveway <br /> slopes the other way, and I think I am being assessed for the whole thing. <br /> Lease - You want to have your property looked at then? <br /> Mrs. Carlson (14943 Forest Blvd. ) - Yes. <br /> Frank Huebl (5924 Oneka Blvd. ) - Are they going to take a look at each <br /> particular piece of property? <br /> Lease - We certainly are not going to look at each piece of property <br /> unless there is a objection. <br /> Huebl (5924 Oneka Blvd. ) - Before we had grass. Now we have steel culverts. <br /> Jerry Brisson (5887 Oneka Lake Blvd. ) - protesting has assessment of $937.50 <br /> A written objection was submitted by Philip Kamman (5490 145th St. No.) . <br /> He stated that the land around his property is very dry, and have never <br /> had a water problem in five years. He objects to paying for something <br /> he feels will never benefit his property. <br /> Meeting recessed until September 13, 1976, 7:00 P.M., City Hall. <br /> Carol A. Williams, Clerk <br /> City of Hugo <br />