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SEPTEMBER 20, 1976 105 05 <br /> would be preserved aLd developed as a wetland area for the production <br /> of water fowl, to aid in maintaining other wildlife population, and <br /> to provide public hunting grounds. The estimated cost of the project <br /> is $141 ,000. Mr. ;Taller, a neighboring resident, stated that he would <br /> have no trouble living with the proposed project. Councilman LaValle <br /> asked about people's property adjoining the proposed project. Mr. <br /> Knutson stated that they would like to limit the amount of people <br /> that will be in the area. All boundaries would be posted. The project <br /> would also be totally divorced from the White Rod and Gun Club. The <br /> tax base would be 500 an acre or 35% of the revenue. Snow mobiles and <br /> all terrain vehicles would be prohibited. No building would be constructer <br /> on the land. <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by Schletty, stating that the City <br /> Council, City of Hugo, has no objection to the Rice Lake <br /> Paul Hugo Farms being purchased for the establishment of a <br /> wildlife area to be opened for hunting. Secretary directed to <br /> send letter to Washington County Commissioners stating no <br /> objection. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schietty, LaValle, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 9.0 MISCELLANEOUS <br /> Mr. Johnson submitted the written contract with Fischer Construction <br /> Company, stating that they have agreed with the terms. There is <br /> approximately 10,256 tons of gravel. The removal of gravel can <br /> be started as soon as agreement is signed. They have agreed with <br /> payment of $4,500.00 by November 1 , 1976, and $4,500.00 on November 1 , <br /> 1977. Removal to be completed by October 1 , 1978. <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by Leroux, authorizing the mayor and <br /> clerk to execure the purchase agreement with Fischer Construc— <br /> tion and submit as offered to Fischer. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, LaValle, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> The matter of drainage at Shepherd of the Fields Church was brought up <br /> for discussion. The street by the church should be designed to go <br /> easterly then north. Vern Peloquin will solve the water problem by <br /> future storm drain provided by him, and water will flow to the north. <br /> Plastec, Ina. , Bald Eagel Industrial Park, would like to move the <br /> ditch on the property line to the west. Theywill grant an easement along <br /> property line for a ditch if the city will relinquish any right to the <br /> ditch easement previously located. City attorney and engineer were <br /> asked to check the legal description. Mayor will vote no if there are <br /> any costs submitted to the city. <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Leroux, stating that the City <br /> Attorney, Mr. Johnson, review the document necessary to solve <br /> the easement problem with Plastec, Inc. , and submit the document <br /> for signature by the mayor and clerk. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schietty, LaValle, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by LaValle, to adjourn the meeting <br /> at 10:11 . <br /> Chi\( cc -LC ► „7 <br /> Carol A. Williams, Clerk <br /> City of Hugo <br />