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NOVEMBER 15, 1976 123 <br /> 5.3 Rezoning requests <br /> Greg Cardinal — Mr. Cardinal was present and staged that he still <br /> does not like Conservancy zoning because he would like to use as <br /> farm land, and the fact that he could not sell less than 20 acres <br /> and therefore, decrease the value of his land. Dan Spitzer stated <br /> that this parUcular parcel of land has u.-idergone close scrutiny, <br /> and feels the denial is in order. <br /> Motion made by Smith, seconded by Schletty, to deny the request <br /> of Greg Cardinal to rezone 40 acres described as follows: <br /> SE4 of NW , Section 8, T31 , R21 , from Conservancy to Agricultural, <br /> per recommendation of the Planning Commission. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> William Wunderlich — Mr. Spitzer stated surface water runs into pot <br /> holes. Generally high ground. Does not get itself involved in high water <br /> shed area. <br /> Motion made by Smith, seconded by Lease, to approve the rezoning <br /> request of William Wunderlich for 114 acres described NL of <br /> the N':1 of the NE-2i of Sec. 14, T31 , R21 from Conservancy to <br /> Agricultural, per recommendation of the Planning Commission. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Clifford Axelson — Mr. Spitzer stated that soil maps and aerial <br /> photographs show generally low ground. Very good farm land. Tends <br /> to feed into water shed area. Mr. Schletty stated that he felt <br /> there was a number of good building sites on the property, however, <br /> Mayor Lease wanted to know w:%1, d ; e four homes would do to the <br /> water shed. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Smith, to deny the request <br /> of Clifford Axelson to rezone 40 acres (Section 28, T31 , R21 , <br /> SES of SW-0 from Conservancy to Agricultural, per recommenda— <br /> tion of the Planning Commission. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Francis Peltier — Mr. Spitzer stated that land figs with agriculture <br /> character of the area. Legal description should be changed to <br /> read: That part of E; of the Sal of the SEi in Section 29, T31 , R21 , <br /> 20 acres lying northerly of 130th Street <br /> Motion made by Smith, seconded by Lease, to approve the <br /> request of Francis Peltier to rezone approximately 16 acres <br /> (that part of E2 of the Si4 of the SE4- in Section 29, T31 , R21 , <br /> lying northerly of 130th Street) from RR1 to Agricultural, per <br /> recommendation of the Planning Commission. <br /> VOTING FDR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Francis Peltier — Mr. Spitzer stated that the land is extremely low, <br /> and fits into Conservancy zoning. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Smith, to deny the request <br /> of Francis Peltier to rezone 19 acres (E2 of the NE's of the NE <br /> of Sec. 32, T31 , R21 , except S 165 feet of the East 264 feet) <br /> from Conservancy to Agricultural, per recommendation of the <br /> Planning Commission. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Harold Hamilton — <br /> Motion made by Smith, seconded by Schletty, to deny the request <br /> of HaroldHamilton to rezone 70 acres (E4 of NE*, Section 27, <br /> T27, R21 , except the North 617 feet of the East 706 Feet) from Agri— <br /> cultural to RRII, per recommendation of the Planning Commission. <br />