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1 V TING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, Leroux <br /> 1PTION CARRIED <br /> Tony Schloegl - Mr. Spitzer stated that th3 westerly 40 acres: lies <br /> in the Hardwood Creek area. <br /> Motion made by Schletty, seconded by Smith, to approve the <br /> request of Tony Schloegl to rezone the easterly 40 acres (Si <br /> of NW of Section 15, T31N, R21W) from Conservancy to Agri- <br /> cultural, per recommendation of the Planning Commission. <br /> Western 40 acres to remain in Conservancy. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Vern Peloauin <br /> Motion made by Smith, seconded by Schletty, to approve the <br /> request of Vern Perloquin to rezone approximately 20 acres <br /> (Sof NE* of NEq, Section 17) from SFE to Agricultural, per <br /> recommendation of the Planning Commission. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Vern Peloauin - File No. 1976-1 ^•3--lZ (Lezone 32 acres described <br /> as that part of the two forties which lie west of the RR tracks in <br /> Section 17. from Conservancy to Agricultural) . <br /> Motion made by Lease; •.seconded by Schletty, to table the above <br /> matter on rezoning until December 20, 1976, at which time a <br /> clearer legal description will have been submitted by Mr. <br /> Bill Schwab. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> T. J. Marier - <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Smith, to approve the <br /> request of T. J. Marier to rezone 20 acres (N2 of SE+ of SE4, <br /> Section 17) from SFE to Agricultural, per recommendation from <br /> the Planning Commission. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> T. J. Marier - Mr. Spitzer stated that because of flood plans and <br /> runoff of the land, should remain in Conservancy. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Schletty, to deny the request <br /> of T.J. Marier to rezone 80 acres (NI of NW* of Section 21 ) <br /> from Conservancy to Agricultural, per recommendation of the <br /> Planning Commission. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Aldine Anderson - Mr. Anderson owns approximately 7.75 acres and would <br /> like to build another home on the land. Spitzer stated that it was <br /> the feeling of a number of the Planning Commission that he should <br /> have had 10 acres. A variance could not be issued per our ordinance. <br /> Lease stated that we would be setting a precedent for the adjoining <br /> property owners. How could we justify such a rezoning? Mr. Johnson <br /> said that legally we could grant the rezoning, and deny the next one. <br /> Motion made by Smith, seconded by Schletty, to deny the <br /> recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the <br /> request of Aldine Anderson to rezone 7.75 acres (Section 23, <br /> west side of Irish Avenue just South of 147th Street. All that <br /> part of the SE+ of the NW* of Section 23 lying West of public <br /> highway in T31 , R21W of the fourth meridian) from Agricultural <br /> to RRII. <br /> VOTING FOR: Smith & Schletty <br /> VOTING AGAINST: Lease and Leroux <br /> MOTION FAILED - due to lack of majority vote <br /> Land to remain in Agricultural zoning. <br />