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FEBRUARY 22, 1977 1r1I1%7JT-,S OF TO' PROCEEDINGS OF T-!*L-,-- 1�_XC 31ITY COUNCIL 15 <br /> TIME: 7:04 P.M. <br /> PRESENT: LaVallet Schletty, Spitzerg Irsfeldq and Vail. <br /> 3.0 APPROVAL OF MMJ_WS <br /> Page 61 Section 6.9.2 - Second line should read, "Full time employees that <br /> work for the city would like to be paid 26 times a year. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Vailq toaapprove the minutes of <br /> February 7* 1977, with the above change. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Schlettyt Spitzerg Irsfeldq and Vail. MOTION CARRIED <br /> 4,0 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br /> MOTION: Schletty made motiong seconded by Spitzer, to approve the general <br /> claims of February 22, 1977, as presented, <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Schlettyq Spitzert Irsfeldt and Vail. MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by LaValle, to approve the utility <br /> claims of February 22, 1977, as presented. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle,, Schlettyp Spitzery Irsfeldq and Vail. MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.0 PETITIONS. REQUESTS, COMMUNICATIONS & LICENSES <br /> 5.1 John Bergman_- -Application for permit to appropriate water <br /> Mr. Bergman submitted an application to irrigate 20 acres, Source of the <br /> water to be a pond, 60' wide x 3601 long, 121 deep. Letter to the DNR to be <br /> written stating the City of Hugo's concern in regard to the groundwater table, <br /> MOTION: Schletty made m6tiong secoriddd . by Irsfeldq that the City of Hugo <br /> grant the irrigation permit for John Bergman to appropriate water. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaVallet Schlettyl, Spitzery Irsfeldq and Vail. MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.2 Joseph Gregoire - Mobile Home Permit Re"ewal <br /> Mr. Gregoire appeared stating that there was no change in the hardship. <br /> Mr. Gregoire needs help on*his­fwm** and his son lives in the trailer. Schletty <br /> stated that Mr. Gregoire <br /> 7 still has not put in a culvert in his driveway. Mr. <br /> Gregoire said he did not think he needed onet but he would comply. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motiont seconded by Vailt to grant the renewal of the <br /> Mobile Home Permit for Joseph Gregoireq under Chapter 409 Article 1119 Sub- <br /> division D, for nLnety days, provided the culvert is installed prior to the <br /> next renewal. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Schlettyq Spitzerg Irsfeldl, and Vail, MOTION CARRIED <br /> 6.0 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS <br /> Theordinance committee has a meeting scheduled for Mondayq February 28, 1977. <br /> 7,0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 70 Lars Danielson - Vacating of easement <br /> LaValle felt that the city should keep the 661 right-of-wayg and Co through <br /> the procedure to vacate the stub, The City Attorney and City Engineer gave <br /> an estimate for their fees at approximately $250.00 each. City Attonieyv <br /> Charles Johnsont to send a letter to Sarah Mardell with the cost estimate. <br /> Charles Johnson submitted a letter in regard to full time employees being <br /> paid twice a month. Time sheets would have to be maintained by supervisors. <br /> The checks can be drawn and paid without a special claim. Endorsement opprates <br /> as a claim. Mayor LaValle would function as supervisor in the case of Police <br /> Chief Barth,, and City Clerk,, Carol Williams. Mayor felt it was a lot of trouble <br /> for only three payments a year. Spitzer disagreed stating we should set up <br /> regular paydays for city employees. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion,, seconded by -.'Irsfeldl, that the City of Hugo <br /> establish paydays eve* two weeks far the Police Department, clerk's <br /> oftice, -and maintenance mant starting thefirst Friday in April# and <br /> then occurring every -ether Friday thereafter. <br /> VOTING FOR: ., Spitzer, Irsf4qAt and Vsiilj VOTING-AGAINST:. LaValleg and'Sch,1.6.tty, <br /> MOTION CARRIED - <br /> 8.0 <br /> ARRIED -8,0 10d BUSINESS <br />