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4 2 Recessed 9:30 P.M. Reconvened 9:40 P.M. <br /> OPEN SPACE <br /> Jerry Bell, Parks and Open Space Department, stated that he was well aware that Hugo <br /> and Ramsey County were not in agreement on the Open Space plan. He said he can't change • <br /> anything at this stage. The city could make an appeal to the Metro Council for any— <br /> thing the city feels is not applicable. The City of Hugo could respond to the <br /> Resolution that was presented to the Council. After a public hearing, that section <br /> could be deleted. Could make part of the park smaller or larger, or move the boundaries. <br /> The City of Hugo and Ramsey County could negotiate a joint powers agreement. <br /> Lynn Carlson asked how long it would take to go through the deletion process. Bell <br /> stated that a public hearing would have to be held, then to Parks and Recreation, <br /> and then they would make a final recommendation to the Metro Council. <br /> Mr. Bell stated that the Master Plan for Open Space was approved in the Fall of 1975. <br /> There was no serious planning before that. After the Parks Act passed in 1974, all <br /> those things became available. A public hearing had been held in December, 1974. <br /> Hugo should have been notified of this hearing. <br /> Spitzer stated that the land to be acquired in Hugo is prime developable land. The <br /> Open Space could get rather costly when it comes to acquiring structures around the <br /> lake. <br /> Mr. Bell said there would be a reviewal of the possibility of a southern route. <br /> Mr. Spitzer requested that Bob Ranta respond to the comments discussed at tonight's <br /> meeting. Ranta will try to get answers as quickly as possible to Councilman Irsfeld. <br /> Charles Johnson inquired as to how to get an extension of time. Mr. Ranta told him <br /> to write a letter to Chairman John Boland. <br /> Councilman Irsfeld is to write a letter to Metro Council stating that the systems <br /> statement is very general, and does not adress the fact that Hugo has an approved <br /> comprehensive plan. Hugo wants the Metro Council to review this in their statement, <br /> and tell us where we do not comply. Metro Council should be specific in their reply. <br /> Councilman Vail is to compile data regarding the Centerville interceptor. <br /> Motion made by Irsfeld, seconed by Vail, to adjourn at 10:50 P.M. <br /> All aye. Motion carried. <br /> ta►� _c <br /> Carol A. Williams, Clerk <br /> City of Hugo <br />