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NOVEMBER 7, 1977 115 <br /> 8.2 Rice Creek Watershed — Horseshoe Lake cont. <br /> 2. Full petitioned construction — The full building alternative results in a problem <br /> of obtaining permits from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for modifying <br /> the terrain in the ditch area north of 177th Street. There is resistance from DNR <br /> to this approach. The city could incur additional costs on a no go project. <br /> 3. Lake level control only — This alternative would reduce the construction costs by <br /> eliminating the ditching to the north, would reduce the benefited properties to the <br /> north, and would further reduce the requirements for easements and expenses of the <br /> project for acquiring easements. This alternative would eliminate the need for DNR <br /> and Corps of Engineer permits, as such may be required. <br /> 4. Road ditching only — This was Hugo's original proposal. The present outlet from <br /> Horseshoe Lake to the north would be left essentially as it exists at the present <br /> time, without level control, but with some channeling of the outlet as it approaches <br /> the south side of 177th Street. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to extend the meeting <br /> past the 11:00 adjournment. <br /> All aye. Motion carried. <br /> Spitzer• stated that he is reluctant to drop the project because a problem still exists. <br /> However, it appears as though a permanent solution to the problem cannot be accomplished. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to comment to Rice <br /> Creek Watershed that there is no alternative that would offer <br /> any relief to the problem. Suggest that they forget the whole <br /> thing. Suggest to Rice Creek that they limit the city's obliga— <br /> tion to. the vicinity of the original engineering estimate. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Irsfeld <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 9.0 NEW BUSINESS <br /> Mr. Irsfeld will be contacting Mr. Schadl in regard to the fence complaint. <br /> Mayor LaValle had spoken to Mr. Thomas Hollihan regarding extension of Keystone Avenue. <br /> This road had been maintained by the townsip at one time. The Planning Commission had <br /> advised them that they would be responsible for upgrading the road. Mr. Hollihan thought <br /> that they did not have access to their property. Mr. Johnson stated that if you_ once have <br /> a roadway opened, unless you vacate, you can not get out of maintaining. LaValle stated that <br /> you cannot vacate because of lack of maintenance. Mayor LaValle will discuss the matter <br /> with Mr. Hollihan. <br />