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1977.11.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1977 CC Minutes
1977.11.21 CC Minutes
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11/4/2015 12:48:03 PM
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11/4/2015 12:48:03 PM
City Council
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NOVEMBER 21, 1977 1 1 9 <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, to direct the City Clerk <br /> to send a letter of Swann Anderson, Carpenter's, notifying him <br /> that no action has been taken on his off-sale liquor license <br /> application, and there will be none until the city receives <br /> payment of bills that are in arrears. The license will expire <br /> on December 31, 1977. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.7 Richard & Nancy Schroeder - Building Permit <br /> The Schroeders' are contemplating purchasing 10 acres from Eileen Bayless, on Fenway and <br /> 170th. Mrs. Bayless represented the Schroeders stating that the perc test taken was with- <br /> in the guidelines of the city (60 minutes per inch). Mr. Crever suggested that they try <br /> to find another spot for a building site, and have a perc test done by a qualified <br /> engineer. The building permit has not been denied. LaValle felt Mr. Crever was acting <br /> in the interest of the city and the potential property owner in this matter. <br /> 5.8 Don Ramberg - Farm Site Plan <br /> Mr. Ramberg is purchasing the house and 30 acres from Mr. LaCasse on 170th Street, and <br /> would like to construct a pole barn. Mr. Ramberg presented a site plan for the barn. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, to approve the Farm <br /> Site Plan as presented. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail <br /> MOTION CARR) <br /> 5..9 Grace Jackson - Waterline extension on 8A to Foxhill <br /> Mr. Ken Tschida, Grace Development, was present stating that he would like permission from <br /> the city to put a waterline in the city right-of-way. It would be constructed according <br /> to the city's specifications, and would be owned completely by the city. The project <br /> would be done at the expense of Grace Development. Tschida offered two possible options <br /> to the city: 1 - exte& water main 800' or 2 - extend 400' of the watermain with a <br /> temporary well. The first option was preferred. Mr. Tschida was told that he would have <br /> to provide the city with a bond ( 125% of the estimated cost) to assure that the watermain <br /> was installed properly. Mr. Tschida is negotiating with the adjoining property owners to <br /> try and reach some settlement as far as costs. LaValle stated that the city will have to <br /> enter into an agreement with Grace Development, and Mr. Johnson concurred. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, that the City Attorney <br /> draft a contract for the watermain extension along 8A for Grace <br /> Development at their expense. The City Engineer is to bring the <br /> specifications up-to-date so that Grace Development can begin <br /> construction. The estimate. The necessary permits to be obtained <br /> by Grace Development from the county and that the mayor is author- <br /> ized to sign this contract in advance of a subsequent City Council <br /> meeting. If Grace Development cannot obtain permission of private <br />
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