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5.2 Grace Development - Addition at Industrial Park (Site Plan) <br /> A representative from Grace Development was not present at this time. <br /> 5,3 Schmidt-r's. Inc. - Liquor License and Special Use Permit. <br /> Larry Nielson, Schmidty's attorney, presented a new copy of their site <br /> plan. They have completely updated their septic system. There is available <br /> 122 parking spaces, with a possibility of a maximum of 130 spaces. The <br /> seating capacity is 600. At first, a cost estimate for blacktopping and <br /> gravel was given at $15,000. They now presented a bid for $6200.00, and <br /> requested that the irrevocable letter of credit be reduced from $15,000. <br /> They have agreed to install a small pipe to check on the septic--system. <br /> Mr. Schmidt that 21 ,000 sq. ft. is proposed to be blacktopped. Mayor <br /> LaValle stated that he did not feel it was a good idea to screen the front <br /> of the building with trees because of possible interference with vision on <br /> Highway 61 . He would rather see a fence installed. Nielson stated they would <br /> also like to see a fence constructed, because of the expense in planting <br /> trees. Howard Kuusisto stated that the site plan had no indication of <br /> water flow. LaValle said that before any grading is done on additional <br /> parking, the city will have a letter stating the drainage flow. Tom <br /> Crever presented a plan showing the fire exits required for seating <br /> capacity. The plan was a mutual agreement of the city's Building Inspector <br /> and the State Fire Marshall. <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to grant a Special <br /> Use Permit to Richard & Larry Schmidt, for a bar and rest- <br /> aurant, subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1 . Curb or fencing shall be required to be installed in <br /> such a manner to prevent access or egress to the back <br /> area other than via the designated entrance including <br /> the unpaved area. <br /> 2. That the declared maximum capacity is 600 people. <br /> 3.. The additional parking spaces required by ordinance <br /> be by Variance, crushed rock for a period not to exceed <br /> two (2) years beginning on July 1 , 1978. If at the end <br /> of said time, the seating capacity is as stated. Black- <br /> topping of said parking spaces to conform to said or- <br /> dinance will be required. An irrevocable letter of credit <br /> shall be provided to the city to insure installation <br /> of blacktop. Crushed rock or Class 5 gravel to be in- <br /> stalled by July 1 , 1978. A complete drainage plan shall <br /> be submitted and approved by the city engineer before <br /> any parking lot improvements are started. <br /> 4. Septic system to be reviewed by the Building Inspector <br /> semi-annually and sent to the Health Department. <br /> 5. A rail fence of 3 feet in height be installed along the <br /> west property line and construction shall be guaranteed <br /> by a letter of credit. Construction shall be completed <br /> by July 1 , 1978. <br /> 6. That lighting be provided to illuminate entire parking <br /> area. <br />