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1978.03.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1978 CC Minutes
1978.03.06 CC Minutes
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MARCH 6, 1978 <br /> 613 <br /> 1► <br /> 5.2 Robert McCullough - Rezoning and Special Use Permit <br /> The rezoning request was considered first. Spitzer expressed concern about <br /> the number of driveways that could be used along Highway 61 . He stated that <br /> he would like to have some kind of tentative site plan submitted to review <br /> the control of access to Highway 61 . LaValle stated that the lots will <br /> have to be subdivided, and a plat would be involved. Mr. Johnson, City <br /> Attorney, stated that the only way the city can be assured of maintaining <br /> control is to take an access easement along the edge of the property. The <br /> rezoning request is to have land zoned RB rather than AG. <br /> MOTION: Vail made motion, seconded by LaValle, to amend the Zoning <br /> Ordinance to rezone the MCCullough property from Agriculture <br /> to Retail Business (see attached legal descriptions) . <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Because the land is now zoned RB, Mr. McCullough will not need a Special Use <br /> Permit, but rather a Site Plan Approval. Mr. Kuusisto reviewed the Site <br /> Plan with Mr. McCullough, and decided that the Council should look at a <br /> marginal street along the Highway 61 right-of-way. The plan shows a 100' <br /> setback now, so a 50' easement would leave 50' (40' requirement) . Mr. <br /> McCullough was informed that if he does not choose to move his building <br /> back, he will not have room for a sign. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer rade motion, seconded by Vail, to approve the Site <br /> Plan of Robert McCullough contigent of granting of a 50' <br /> easement along the front of the property for the purpose of <br /> a road way to the city. As a condition, Mr. McCullough will <br /> agree to share in the cost of construction of the frontage <br /> road when it is built. <br /> Spitzer withdrew his motion. <br /> The fact that Mr. McCullough was going to have a holding tank on his <br /> property was discussed. The city, as a rule, is not in favor of holding <br /> tanks. However, LaValle did not think that sewer was too far away from <br /> that area. Mr. Kuusisto suggested that McCullogh install a 1500 gallon tank. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, to approve the <br /> Site Plan of Robert McCullough, subject to the following <br /> conditions, which must be fulfilled immediately: <br /> 1 . A 50' right-of-way on the west side of the property, <br /> immediately adjacent to Highway 61 , be given to the city. <br /> 2. Mr. McCullough must agree to share in the cost of the <br /> construction of the frontage road when it is built. <br /> 3. Mr. McCullough must file with the city, and keep current, <br /> a contract for the pumping of his sewer holding tank <br /> (capacity of at least 1500 gallons) . <br /> 4. Mr. McCullough shall obtain a bond in the amount of <br /> $1 ,000.00, favor of the city, to insure his entering <br /> a contract to have his sewer holding tank pumped. Con- <br /> tract to be kept current. <br />
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