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MARCH 20, 1978 89 <br /> 1 . That the access and egress to the business have a <br /> minimum of 30' width driveway, hard surfaced. <br /> 2. That the area to be blacktopped as proposed in the <br /> site plan submitted. <br /> 3. An irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of <br /> $3,000 be provided to insure blacktopping by <br /> October 1 , 1979. <br /> 4. That the public restrooms, as required by law, be <br /> connected to city sewer no later than October 1 , 1978. <br /> 5. That minor body and paint work be allowed subject to <br /> all state and federal regulations or codes for work <br /> on vehicles owned by the business only. <br /> 6. Refer 320-5-M-3 - refers to said regulations for in- <br /> operable cars. That the back area of the property <br /> be maintained in a neat and orderly fashion. <br /> 7. That nor more than three (3) cars be allowed under <br /> Condition #6. <br /> 8. A performance bond in the amount of $5,000 be provided <br /> to insure that all regulations of state codes be met <br /> for above body work. <br /> 9. That the equipment and materials now stored on the <br /> property be removed by July 1 , 1978. <br /> 10. The Special Use Permit is subject to annual review. <br /> 11 . No more than eleven (11 ) cars allowed for exterior <br /> storage. There shall be no cars stored on the eastern <br /> 50' of the property. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail. <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.5 Urban/rural taxing district <br /> The public hearing regarding the abolishing of the rural taxing district <br /> was reopened. Spitzer reiterated what took place at the public hearing on <br /> March 13, 1978. Vail stated that it was law that all platted property <br /> automatically should fall in the urban taxing district. <br /> Mrs. Darrel Jacobson <br /> 6364 165th Street No - wanted to know that if a senior citizens taxes <br /> were frozen, if this change would affect them. <br /> LaValle - thought that the mill rate would be the same for everyone. <br /> Joanne Jenson <br /> 530 11th Ave SE - quoted State Statute 272.67, establishing the rural <br /> Forest Lake and urban taxing district. <br /> Charles Johnson - up to the governing body to set ratio of service. <br /> Howard Schletty - stated that there was no one at the public hearing <br /> in favor of the equalization. He also felt that the <br /> 90% rural work and 10% urban was incorrect information <br /> supplied by the maintenance department, and they were <br /> not his figures. <br /> Irene Leroux <br /> 16629 Elmcrest Ave - wanted to know why the roads were in such poor condition <br /> when so much money is spent on maintenance. It is <br /> costing the taxpayer alot of money, and they are not <br /> getting the service. <br />