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Pr JUTTjE 5 1978 <br />VOTING FOR. <br />LaVall.,-e, Spitzer, Schletty, and Irsfeld <br />In r, <br />i��IIOTION CARRIED <br />r— <br />Neil Buschmann - Nuisance <br />T,'jr. Buschmann was present, and stated that he will correct any vi-61ations to <br />the ordinance. The unlecensed vehicle will be removed this week, and the doo: <br />have been taken off tb.e refrirrerators. He stated that he has 2- 3 dozen "riot <br />water tanks, and 10 - 12 refrigerators stored on his property. He stated he <br />will remove these collectables from public sight. <br />0 <br />MOT 101T * <br />VOTING FOR: <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Spitzer, that Buschi-Lia-0 <br />has thirty (30) days to move collected items to a place of),. - <br />of the sight of the neighbor s. <br />LaValle, Spitzer, Schlettyl and Irsfeld. <br />5.11 HowardM2�e Special Use Permit <br />v, -r. Moe was present, and stated that it was his determination. that a perfor- <br />mance bond was needed to conduct his operation. 1 -Tr. Crever reports that -.11VTr, <br />7.,'-oe had to separate the f1amnable items from the rest of his operation. 11.11T. <br />TI <br />i,oe has contacted- Granger Plumbing, instirrating action to hook up to city <br />sewer. <br />T'r <br />FjOTION: Spitzerrnmade motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to have Iter. -ii 8 <br />removed from the Special Use Permit A perf orrriance bond, <br />in. the amount of t 1500.00, to added to Item 4, to insure <br />sewer hoo1r up by October 1, 1978. <br />VOTING FOR: <br />TjaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Irsfeld, <br />T-...OTION CARRIED <br />5.4 Walter Brovrn - Nuisance <br />The city has received complaints regarding lkr,,r. Brown's dog barking during th <br />night. 1.1r. Bro-vni was present, and stated that his dog barks because of T-"-rs. <br />Peterson's 13 cats. Spitzer asked if Brown could confine the dog for six <br />ni.uhts a week, and T,,Tr, Brown acrreed, 11r, Brown was instructed that he would <br />1.) (Z) <br />need a written, formal complaint re,....'and ing the problem of Peterson's cats. <br />!-0T I ON: <br />- <br />VOTING FOR: <br />Spitzer made motion seconded b7T Schlett-v, to set citation <br />1.1d f-11 <br />aside for sixty (60days until cat problem is resolved, <br />laValle, Spitzer, Schlettir, and Irsfeld. <br />TJOTIOT-T CARKED <br />WM <br />5.14 TonZ Ylierfic-zZ...7 land Division <br />PP RN soon <br />TtIr. Niei-.iiczyk would like to sell a 10 acre parcel to his son to help generate <br />sor-ne revenue to take care of !.,-;.is brother, T11 T.-Tierfl-czyk was instruct e f'). to get <br />CD <br />a letter from his attorney stating proof of o�Amership, <br />