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JUNE 5t 1978 <br />0 T I 01U,, Spitzer made motion, seconClked by Irsfeld, to approve the <br />Land Division as requested by Tony Nier.qczyk, with the <br />provision that proof of ownership be exhibited to the City <br />Clerk at tfi,e time the deeds are submitted for approval, <br />VOTING FOR.. LaValle, Spitzer, Scl-Iletty, and Irsfeld, <br />TTOTION CARRIED <br />5,.5 Gerald Ensi*-,P,;,%n — Hook U_.,to sewer <br />1,10TION: Spitzer made motion, seconded Schlett- b1T , -to place the <br />V y <br />Gerald Ensign matter on the agenda for June 19, 19780 <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Irsfeld. <br />T-JOTION CARRIED <br />VAIT-i -ARRIVED AT 8:10 PM <br />5.1 Bern e T,TcDermaid — Ad 2lni� of land- (Hugo- Gnt Township) <br />T " <br />t -i <br />J..T. IvTcDer-maid was present and stated that his plan. is to join 1.1 acre in Hui <br />and 3.9 acres in Gant. The house would be constructed on the 1 .1 acre Hu'n T.---( <br />1 2) <br />AttorneAT Johnson suggested that Joint Powers A-greement be drawn to help solv( <br />V <br />any possible proble-ms. 11cDermaid will be contacting IJ.1-r. Bob Briggs <br />Grant's attorney, to have the necessary papers started. The Planning Col-ritmiss-- <br />recornunended that a letter of credit be obtained to insure completion of July <br />Avenue. Engineer Kuusisto stated that the cost would be about -!.010,000 to <br />complete the job, <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to place the <br />Bernie .,..!:.cDermal*d matter on the agenda for June 19, 1 9 7 8. <br />VOTING FOR: TiaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail, <br />GTI OTT CARRIED <br />I - <br />5.13 Thomas KLp Site Plan caval and Variance <br />T`JT_r. Xj-nrr is purchasing two pieces of property, 4 one 12 acres and one 14 acres <br />e will have clear title to the 12 acre parcel, and the other will be on <br />Contract for Deed. TjaValle stated. that he would like to see th4 parcels tied <br />together to insure no building could be done on -I.;he 14 acre parcel. Johnson <br />suggested a restrictive covenant be palced on the agreement insuring no <br />buildino, as long as the stable is in operation. If -the business operation <br />terminates, the restrictive covenant would also terminate. EaValle stated <br />that the Kin�:�;-sl would needtthe permission of the property owner, Mr. Johnson <br />will be in contact with the Nincr0ls attorney to resolve this latter., <br />I* <br />MOTION, Spitzer made riaotion, seconded "Dy Vail, that the Site Plan <br />as presented by Thomas yin be approved subject to appropr- <br />iate restrictive covenant being drafted and approved by the <br />City attorney. The restrictive covenant is to restrict tine <br />use of the 14 acres lying ir-u.iediately east of the King pro- <br />pertv, in. us ch manner that no building may occur so long <br />as the riding stable operation is operated on the King's <br />property. <br />