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JUNE 199 1978 MINUTES Or THE PROCEEDINGS Or TIM HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by LaValle", to apprOVE <br />19 to be paid from the Police Department claims for <br />1978* <br />VOTING FOR. LaValle, Spitzer, and Schletty <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />5*0 PETITIONS,- RE2UESTS--- CO10ff_JNI CAT IONS I .. & - LICENSES <br />Item <br />June 1 <br />6.4­404eeej2h Reynolds - Reo,pening of Jeffrey Avenue North of 170th Street <br />Mr. Reynolds was present, and stated that he owns 60 acres of land adjoining <br />the road he is requesting to have reopened. He has been unable to sell any of <br />the land until the matter of the road is resolved. He stated that T"1r, Stanek' <br />100 acres is also landlocked. The only possible owner that would have an <br />objection to the reopeniAg...-of the road would be Mr. Schmidt. Spitzer stated <br />that the matter is complicated at this time because of a problem the city hac. <br />with NSP regardi' <br />w ng an easement, Kuusisto is working with NSP at this time to <br />try and resolve the matter, Mr. Reynolds stated that he was not particul'-Cir <br />in-JI-Jerest-el,_1 in tT-1_e sharing of the cost in the construction of such a road. <br />LaValle stated that, at this time, the city was financially unable to partici <br />pate in such a project, Mr. Reynolds stated that he will be contacting Wash- <br />ingotn County to find out if it would be possible to have County Road 57 ex- <br />tended, Mr. Reynolds is to be notified of any progress made regarding the NSI <br />easement matter. <br />PUBLIC HEARING - REASSESSMENT OF RICCI PROPERTY <br />The public hearing was called to order at 7:30 The hearing was called duE <br />to an error in REC charges made to Parcel No's. 275-2000 and 275-2050. The <br />home had two charges and the duplex had none. <br />MOTION: <br />Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, to close the <br />0 <br />public hearing at 7*31 --OLN* <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, and Schletty <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Spitzer, that Parcel 2750004 <br />should be changed from one REC to 2 RFC' s f or a total of <br />81 030.00, and Parcel 2752050 should be changed from two <br />REC's to one RFC for at total of 1515,00, <br />VOTING FOR. LaValle, Spitzer, and Schletty, <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />5.2 Dumping of Tires on County Road 4 and Hi,g,hway 61 <br />Mr. Ramaden, present owner of T41R Tourist Camp, was determined to be the ovmei <br />of the property in question. He was contacted regarding the nuisance, and he <br />stated that the tires should be removed within 10 days. Police Chief Barth <br />was instructed to inspect the site the first part of July. <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, to defer this <br />matter until the meeting of July 3, 1978. <br />VOTING FOR: <br />LaValle, Spitzer, and ScIletty <br />MOTION C.-ARRIED <br />