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JUI 7-r-li 19 19 7 8 <br />3 <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, that the City <br />Clerk be authorized to issue checks for the payday of June <br />23, 1978, to the police officer for back pay owing them uni <br />the existing labor contract. Retroactive compensation to <br />February 6, 1978. <br />VOTING FOR, LaValle, Spitzer, and Schletty <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />Clot.h.1ri-Li- aloik-Tarce be paid at the* nexG Ci-�y Co-a-i-ic-i-I meeting of July 3, <br />1978. The clothing allowance will be paid d from the General Claims, as has <br />been done in the past. <br />Mxs. Bill Beam -an requested permission to use the city park and bathroom <br />facilities for a picnic for OURS on July 30, 1978, They stated that they <br />would be responsible for conditon of the premises. <br />MOTION: <br />VOTING FOR: <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />LaValle made motion, seconded by Spitzer, giving peri-_qissio: <br />to Mrs, Bill Beaman, representing OURS, to use the city <br />park and bathroom facilities on July 30, 1978. <br />LaValle, Spitzer, and Schletty <br />10o0 I S C ELLAN OU S <br />LaValle stated that there seems to be a, problim regarding property lines <br />along the southern side of the new road on 148th Street, 1-�.uusisto stated tha. <br />he will have the road staked again. A lengthy discussion ensued with repre— <br />sentatives of Shepherd of the Fields Church regarding the matter of the <br />road. <br />Kuus isto stated that Mr. Duane Neilson has contacted George Koland and will <br />be coordinating work for the metering service for the tai ler court. <br />MOTION LaValle made motion, seconded by iSpitzer, that the City <br />of Hugo hire T.,Tr,, Duane Neilson to install a Fisher Porter <br />Sewage Meter for the trailer court flow at an approximate <br />cost of 8300-00. Mr. Neilson is to work with George Koland <br />to get the installation completed as soon as possible. <br />VOTING FOR, LaValle, Spitzer, knd Schletty <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />5.13 FiscLer *1*.-JDnstruction - Mining Permit <br />I I P- NOW 14 - <br />Let the record show that Dave Kirk, Bob Oswald, and Jim Brevig were present <br />0 <br />voicing their objection to the renewal of the Mining Peimiit, <br />MLOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, authorizing 1el-3.0" <br />newal of the Mining Permit for Fischer Construction until <br />June 30, 1979, when updated letter of credit and certifica- <br />of insurance is provided to the city. Also subject to the <br />previously stited conditions, <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, and Schletty <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />