<br />5.0.1 — Bald ''agic. Sportr:ian Association — S]2eci=.1_ Use rer.n.it
<br />-- --
<br />t i.is meeting, the club as to provide th
<br />,e city with their bond, and a
<br />si ljed copy of the Special tial Use I'er.Mit. I.T. . Pro':cosch �� as present, aria stated
<br />that they had applied for tree bond, butit had not, µs Tet, been returned
<br />to there froz-ir the parent co-,'-.lpany.
<br />I'OTICI:T: Spitzer rsade motion, seconded by EaValle, that the Bald
<br />Nagle Sportsrian ,Lssociation be authorized to operate
<br />under the terns of the Special Use Permit until. July
<br />17, 11078, at aihich tine the permit will be signed and the
<br />bond supplied to the city.
<br />VC -'-DING FOR: laValle, Spitzer, andV::..il.
<br />Hr. Prokosc- also requested permission to operate the coub on two
<br />consecutive Sundays (August 13 and 20) because the events had already
<br />bce7-:� scheduled 6 months in ad:Tance. I,aValle suggested that Mr. Prokosch
<br />provide the city with a written request stating this was a one tif;,e only
<br />request. i"r. .Bro'Cosch also requested that the club be allowed to operate
<br />for extended hours on July 0, 1 n7i3 (� _L.'''. — 6:00
<br />(SC II:-13TTY D AT 7:33 PI:7)
<br />i.:I*OTIOIT: Spitzer made notion, seconded by Vail, t1lat in vi e:•r of the
<br />_Fact that the negotiations relating to the Bald Jagle
<br />Sportsman Association's Special Use Pei mit have been pro—
<br />tracted, the City Council will accept the subritted 1978
<br />schedule as official and .,rill agree to the operatio.r.2 as
<br />stated therein, with the exception of the scheduled
<br />activities in the month of .,`august. Being understood that the
<br />Bald Eagle Sportsrian .�Lssociation will. file amended papers
<br />justifying this operation prior to City Council action,
<br />VOTING FOR: R-ffalle, Spitzer, and Vail
<br />=rOTI -r .',-CT_ IITrI': Schletty
<br />�) .'( Greg StanIke — Ter✓ orar,r ??obile ITorae "Permit
<br />."r. Stankey was present and stated that soire one is in ti.e process of
<br />corrpletinu a perc test it his property site. I:aValle suggested that when
<br />the test is cowrpleted, that he supply City Tall with a copy, to be fore—
<br />warded to the city's engineer for his review.
<br />I OTIOY: Schletty rude ✓:notion, seconded by Spitzer, to table the
<br />Sta--alrequest until July 17, 1970).
<br />1-c-7.7alle, Spitzer, S'cE=?_etty, and Vail
<br />i TO2IOIT Ch RT71D
<br />IT j.1 s ;A oil %t r
<br />� I -Ii � l��ra ; 61
<br />Tiy TIOF, 1-aValle ✓,rade Notion, seconded by Spitzer, that the City
<br />Clerk be insturcted to write James Brevig deterr:-iining
<br />that that the -Richard Vail sign on Highway 61 is in
<br />confor-mance aith the city ordinance, and no further action
<br />will be taken.
<br />VOTIITG FOR: LaVall.e, Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail
<br />lo
<br />5.�� Joe �TleriiCztr�,� — 7,, �ile T Nome Pein it
<br />TIAr. ienczylc t•ra.s present, and stated that he would like to reside in
<br />the rnobilerhome until construction of his neer horse is completed. He also
<br />stated that a perc test has been performed and approved
<br />MOT IOIT: Spitzer r:l de -_notion, seconded by Schletty, . that .a. tezlp—
<br />o-rary T"obile T-T.ome Permit be granted to Joe Ni eri:czylc,
<br />contingent on the issuance of a valid Building Permit
<br />within 14. days.
<br />VO?'I..YG 1101"I: I:aValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail.
<br />I-IOTIOY CA"—''tI:sD
<br />