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1 „ <, <br />r 09 <br />race Develorx-rl <br />.tct — at :',ccessor Eng. (letter of Credit• <br />I,aValle stated that the par?izng conditions at Accessory Engineering are <br />not Satisfactory. <br />I7-OTIOY: LaValle rade r;,otion, seconded by Schletty, that the Letter <br />of Credit guaranteeing the parking lot construction by <br />Grace Development, for a building !eased by Royattson, <br />'accessory Engineering, be called in for noncompliance of <br />the conditions of construction. <br />VOTIP?G FOR: La,Talle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail. <br />1.70HOIi C 0PIRIBM <br />TIM TI0IT LaValle made notion, seconded by Spitzer, that the City Cler'. <br />be instructed to send a letter to the City Engineer askin; <br />him to design the appropriate measures needed to solve the <br />parking proble�s at Accessory :'3ngineering. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail. <br />Johnson suggc;sted that w -".r. Gervais provide the city with a certificate <br />shoeing the change of ovmership. <br />1TOTIOT?: 'Spitzer ;rade motion, seconded by Schletty, that the City <br />Clerk recognizes that the Special Use Permit for the <br />operation of the kem'iel originally issued to North Oak 11 ennel <br />Inc., attaches to property being purchased trader Contract <br />I <br />or Peed by '"i':e Gervais. The Clerk is instructed to <br />bring all necessary docurients into conformance of oimership. <br />VOTIPG FO : LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail. <br />MOTIOIT CAR'LIED <br />T,et the record show that Y:r. Willia,-i; ;.Tunde-rlich eras present and agreed to <br />t?:zi above stated Ti;otion. <br />5.12 Forest Lake Youth Service Bureau — 1 -To representative <br />5.13 Set u2 Interview with Auditors <br />r,'lhe City CoLuici1_ determined that they would like -to reveiw this natte <br />before the city 'hires an auditor. <br />KTOTION: laValle anade motion, seconded by S itzer, t_,at the City <br />Council. set a Special "reeting for July 13t 1X73, at 7:00 11.17, <br />with the city's fiscal agent, TIr. Bob Ehlers, Jr., to discuss <br />the public hearinz for the proposed improvements in the <br />southwest. corner of the city. '.!'he natter of the hiring of <br />an auditor will also be discussed. <br />VO'.T'II?G F01.: laValle, Spitzer, Schletty, and Vail. <br />''TOTIOTT C_A ?JLIED <br />Stewart Bo art — 3?uisance <br />Attorney Johnson had reci_ved a lette fro -.,-,i the insurance company regarding <br />this utter, but had not heard f-ron the lien claimant's attorney, 'Achard <br />Tiini'Ier. . <br />i 0 : Spitzer made r-iotion, seconded by Schletty, that -the Bogart <br />.r.:;atter be tabled until July 17, 1978, to give the attorney <br />opportunity to contact the lielh holder's attorney. <br />ITOTII'•TG FOR:. I,:0Talle, S pi_tzer, Schletty, and Vail. <br />'.OTIQI•T Cla t..'�I.ED <br />s� o� <br />OF MIC-1]� �,t. ��c_:a.I� __�_:� <br />0.1 t rdinance Coririt ee — 7ro discussion <br />6.2 11�_anxiin� Coa:u�ission. <br />I10TI01T: T:<..Valle ;rade-,,io-tion, seconded by Spitzer^, to set a Special_ <br />w::eeting for ju_l_;r 11, 1978, at 7:00 .'7?, with the <br />Co<<inission a -1 -id Ordinance Corimittee, to discuss the proposed <br />subdivision ordinai.hce. <br />VOTIz'G FOR: j aTTalle, SIDi'tzer, Schletty, 2j2rt Vail. <br />nIOi,;r C A R")ISD <br />an <br />