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1 ' l a ter : uperintendent <br />!.Ihe Seer_':= ;� :;: ;:,.....; ; . deterraine how many residents exceed the <br />Tiinir�ium billing. <br />6.4 Duildin-T Ins "oector <br />'`r. Crever submittec? his monthly report. <br />6.5 Fire Chief <br />"r. ''Achard Vail. was present and requested perr:iission to purchars <br />boots, coats, and doves for the :..'ire Departr!ient. T•"a.terial to amomit <br />to •;'1200.00. <br />T.O ION: J,a;�al.1e made x�ouion, seconded by Spitzer, the g��.:ic�:���se of <br />.�oerscr_hal equilpi-.ent for the Fire Department in the `mount <br />o_!:_ ` 1200.00. '':dot to be billed prior to the 1st of August. <br />VC -?'I! T -70a: 1.!C:.�T"11 e r' Schletty, and Zea <br />Spitzer, Sch_ ett- , and 11. <br />V:•il. also questioned whether the city viould rei_?.aburse the for <br />i ng off trori� to o to se hoof. It ,,ras de-terr_�i nedthat -the city <br />budgeted for. approxi, -rat;ely ;'0000.00 for educational ex -)eases. T1.1e City <br />Cl_erlc was also instructed to supply the _Tire Department with a copy or <br />_i� <br />-to cl_ai?,?s a:�ainst budget. Ia �11e instructed _�e Ch <br />17-1 <br />submit ti cl^1.;1 ;-r .othe ;,ieeting o:% July 17-1, • <br />6.61"o -lice Chief <br />_ :i0i2tii y report will_ be submit ted at the r.e,'t Tl?eeting. <br />Attorney <br />r. Johnson submitted , T;ionthly report. Ter. Johnson referred to the <br />Systems State Lient and its status. _Ie stated that the matter of -the Open <br />Space question is still unresolved, Irsfeld, along with Veil_, ,.rill wor'_r <br />on the systems statement to try and resolve this -matter. LaV alle also <br />suggested that -the City of 11,ugo .poet with I:ino Tiakes and Yetro in regard <br />_U o c.?e Open Space t:!�atte'r. <br />71h.e bol-ishing of the rural_ taxing district was again discussed. Spitzer <br />stated that he woul_d like to see what -the city can co to riiaintain a <br />rural and urban tiLxcin�3 district. He would li'.e to include in the <br />urban area all t'he plattled land, and all that land in the city that is <br />zoned S:; or more restrictive. There would have to be a reductio_h izh <br />services to the rural district (police patrol and road <<:aintenance) . <br />TiaValle stated that before the City Council would ma :e a final determin— <br />ation, the ci t r had stated the t they would L.. to the people main. <br />7,OTIOI?: S,pi tier made ?notion, seconded by Schletty, that the City <br />Clergy, be directed to identify all. that property which is <br />formally p--ttted treat lie .•iithin the city, and to identify <br />those which are outside the currently defined urbLan clistrict, <br />and report findings at the neeting of _'lusust 7, 1978. <br />VOTING TO L: _T:^TTalle, Spitzer, Schletty, a-nd Vail. <br />n ineer — Yot present <br />S Clerk <br />1" e cle_F, s office recivecl aequest fro i Carl I?ordquist to use the city <br />facilities for a, custodia picnic on September 17, 107c. <br />?`OTTOY: LaVa lle rude notion, seconded by Spitzer, to grant permis— <br />sion to Carl 'Tordquist to use the city facilities for a custo— <br />diai.. picni; on September 17, 1978. <br />V <br />VCTI1-TG 10'x.: T:CTail_e, Spitzer, and Vail <br />.3S7.: -'I `T _1): Schletty. <br />-TOY M ­ <br />TIT cle_ r.,�..'s o Tice has been in_fomi-!ed that either the City of Hugo, or <br />ti -Le Depart; :e -at- of tculture, ,ail -1 be responsible for tLe inspection <br />of vendi S m -,j cihi_zes in the city. Teddy Peltier is to be supplied with <br />a copy of -these inst:i:=uctions, and contact Spitzer regarding this natter. <br />