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1978.07.11 CC Minutes - Special Meeting
City Council
City Council Minutes
1978 CC Minutes
1978.07.11 CC Minutes - Special Meeting
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11/5/2015 3:47:10 PM
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11/5/2015 2:07:20 PM
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17 <br />l_an ovi_ch said there were a fear cc:ses heed ti?p— <br />gr LCIi12 ; Of t'1.ei2 Septic syste?"'?s. re ti., r S''tould be brou,,;ht u;J <br />to standar=ds. .`.re j•ra S als0 concerned ?''1ti1 -the -act than C.'t�:te _i_..,�rove ?El1`Vs <br />:-oul..d increase t' .ei r t <br />..evin 2arley asked Aow Ion,- it .%could to T, -e to pollute Dells. T'_u sisto <br />said that wells over V10' clo::rl �}.re enerally ;protected. I7o?reg:cr, c lee <br />the ground is poll -at -e6, it ca_2not be rer,aoved. <br />I`'aT2oney COY1CurreC -,-.,i-'h Tete 'Peterson, and felt that t'�.e l)eo;)le ::ere <br />1 t U'' s 'i.C;s:-ty dollar" . He thought they si"_ould be ---ore <br />goo concerned sri �n ��.�e .��__,_ <br />co:cerncd the 1016ph triter talbe and problens in the :Future. <br />Ji,-.: Stevraat c uestioned <br />whydid 11 <br />he 1,12 ve to pay <br />developY:ient would help <br />additional hoo?iubs. <br />about the develop e-nt of !.and east of 'Amropa , 2;2d <br />for sol =EOne else's benefit. LaV� ile said Cl t'a t future <br />Pay for his sy ,-,ter _ crit':. the possiblility of 30 <br />Bill refuted, the cormne:tzts inade oy Peter -Peterson. <br />j?red Sor�1 want said that if 90 6f the people do not ant these improve— <br />ments, he 'iopeJ that the Council_ would listen to them. <br />T:'..1.'. Ji ., +retry said that the t hou.g,.t of t'.he ;7OSS1 bilit jr Of Sr1c^.ilei^ �_O"tS <br />sizes in the iu2deve7_oned areas bothered most of the people . = z ral_le said <br />that there were r.:lany taLin,;s "to be considered before land could be rezoned, <br />e.g., public hearings, soil_ tests, etc. <br />Paul Santori said that Oak Vlore Tars= property Otmers Z'!.ssociation had <br />restrictive covenant li:litiY2 lot sizes to one acre. 11ttorn.ey Johnson <br />said U restrictive covenants are v private arrant: ement. n11e�� ,70 ld <br />be binding wrong the property comer. s, but would bind the city. <br />Jimi T"eery thouC,,ht tha- t- there would be no need .for water improverient if <br />sever eras installed. T'uusisto stated that the longt <br />evity of i;:r <br />well <br />be increased Ath sewer. The well could last 20 years or longer. <br />reside -n' �.s'ced hoer a corner would be assessed. IaaValle said that a corner <br />lot aoul_d pa:' frontage plus 251 on the sij e . The property owner has the <br />option to ihoo"alp on either side. <br />T�aren Ce;xlson as' ed about the assess nents on unbuildable lots. T_aValle, <br />said that w1hat one person thinl.-s is unbuildable just co?.?1_d be buildable. <br />This coulcl be a neo - matter. <br />atter. <br />Ji ;z ametry as!' -ed about cul—de—sacs. ?,aValle said to take the front and back <br />and divide in half. "Mese are considered speciAl cases. <br />Dennis Garner asked what they t•rere to do with their present septic systens <br />and wells. laValle said that the procedure was to have the septic system <br />pimped and fill with sand. the property miners are permitted to keep <br />their ,wells. <br />resident asked hoer the 20 yeartterm assessor nt was determined. 'rr. �hle7's <br />stated that the bond rating affects the interest rate. The city could pay <br />a hii;Tler interest rate on the bond. Future projects also have to be <br />considered. <br />
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