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Anda Cami-ier a l:cd wihen the Council :could 3 ial.�e o. decision. ZaValle de- <br />errii�-ed t'hc ��e3rinG would be continued on _!`,u* ;vst 21 , 1975. <br />Joel CtC ngeland :felt that his septic systez:: aald well were quite adequate <br />viaien he purchased his hone, and did not thin'. the improvements viould <br />increase the value of his home. <br />Jin T7e try thought that thec cost figures for road irn;)rove -:1e-, is ,dere the <br />sane as given at the infol^�iatiomal- -.ieeting. .UUsisto stated that the <br />-previous figures wrere diJ: � erent and did not include bitu..ii�:lous streets <br />only upgrading. <br />i�ic1� ITilanovich quest- the n'tysical need and urgency of t:�.ese Llprove- <br />.1 nts. Spitzer said there=.ras no way -to determine this now;. The Council <br />is now getting this infoiTmation to make a decision. <br />Tynn Carlson stated the two ways to get -this project started: 1) petition <br />with �5;'' of -the frontage property -owners, and 2) majority of the City <br />Council (4 of 5). Jixn "eery did not thin'k there vias a. signed petition. <br />negardinu the natter of the bitw!iinous roads, a resident asIzed about <br />-uh:c.t wiould be determined if the property owners did not want the improve- <br />z_:ents. S'pi tzer stated that biturur�ous would be cheaper to maintain, a:zid <br />other considerations would have to be cor_sidercd. <br />!Xii ght Suss rind spore in I'i vor of the project stating that the jpeople <br />r.._oving into the area syzou_l_d be considered, and the cost is deductible. <br />resident said the people bought property there because of the open <br />space and :freedom in t'h.e are:., and could not afford to live -there viit_11 <br />t -he improvements. <br />7L'_•).e public hearing recessed at 10;02 P1 , and ;dill be continued at the <br />Cit .ouncil neeting o .u,,�ust 21, 1978. <br />Carol A. ililliaris, Clerk <br />City of THI-ago <br />