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1978.11.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1978 CC Minutes
1978.11.06 CC Minutes
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City Council
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66 NOVEMBER 6, 1978 <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to approve the <br />request of Neil Peltier for a variance for a multiple <br />sewer connection in accordance with Chapter 262-6, Sub- <br />division B of the City Code, according to the drawings <br />submitted. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />e uommitiee - No report <br />Commission - No report <br />erintendent - No report <br />Inspector — No report <br />e - No report <br />hief - Chief Barth submitted his monthly report. <br />Mr. Johnson submitted his monthly report. At this point, he is working <br />on the easements for the Vail/Brevig dike dispute matter. A letter has <br />been sent to Richard Hiniker regarding the Bogart matter, but there <br />has been no response. The Flood Plain Ordinance has been sent to the <br />DNR, but they have not been heard from as yet. A follow-up letter <br />has been sent to NSP's attorney regarding the road easement, but Mr. <br />Johnson has not heard from him. Mr. Johnson stated that the part they <br />are condemning is off to the west. The city's main concern is with <br />the existing line rather than the new line. Mr. Johnson will follow- <br />up on the matter before the next meeting. Councilman Schletty will <br />obtain statements from the previous town board members regarding <br />this matter. The letter of credit has not been submitted by Grace <br />Development for their proposed sewer and water hookup on County Road 8A. <br />LaValle instructed the engineer and attorney to keep a record of their <br />time spent on this matter and submit to the City Clerk. Mr. Johnson <br />was instructed to proceed with the obtaining of easements for the <br />Bridge Replacement Program, so that the city will have everything in <br />order when necessary. <br />5.2 David Hunt - Sewer Connection Violation <br />Mayor LaValle stated that there has been a sanitary sewer connection <br />made at the home of Mr. David Hunt, 14770 Foxhill Avenue. According to <br />City Code, the connection is required to be done by a licensed and bonded <br />plumber. Mr. Hunt's connection was installed by Richard Birrenbach and <br />Mr. Hunt, with the assistance of Mr. DeBruzzi. Letter from Rene Larson <br />and Bob Vadnais regarding this matter are on file. Mr. Hunt had ob- <br />tained a permit from the city for inside plumbing. Mr. Hunt stated that <br />he was unaware there was a difference between the inside and outside <br />permit. His only intention was to comply with the City Code and get <br />hooked up to the sewer. Mr. Hunt stated that he had tried to get an <br />estimate from Ron Granger on several occasions without success. Mr. Hunt <br />was under the impression that Granger did not want to do the work. <br />LaValle asked the Plumbing Inspector, Bob Vadnais, if he had checked to <br />see if a licensed plumber was doing the work. Mr. Vadnais stated that <br />he had not checked, but that they had hooked up a good job. He stated <br />that he had seen the line after it was laid, and not the actual connec- <br />tion. <br />
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