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276 November 20, 1978 <br />:'MOTION CARRIED <br />The clerk brought up the fact that there are certain outstanding matters <br />(waiting for financial security) that ought to be handled by the City <br />Council. The Grace Development water and sewer agreement and the <br />Fred Benson Special Use Permit are to be placed on the agenda for <br />12/4/78. Spitzer said that they will be considered for vacating <br />because of non-compliance of initial conditions. <br />A,_meetin.gdate of 12/4/78 has been set with Metro Waste Control Commission <br />to discuss reserve capacity charges in the City of Hugo. The time is set <br />at 10:00 AM. Mr. Burkard, Water Superintendent, is to be informed of the <br />meeting date and time. <br />Tom Crever, Building Inspector, was directed to investigate the matter <br />of the installation of a blacktopped driveway at 7959 147th Street to <br />see if a culvert was required. He was also directed to check on the <br />sewer system at Lot, Block 2, Evergreen Hills #2, to obtain the per- <br />tinent data regarding dimensions, where setting on the property, <br />setbacks, et.c. <br />LaValle stated that all building sites have to be 1' above street grade. <br />He suggested that the Planning Commission_ consider this when reviewing <br />the Mardon Homes Subdivision. <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to adjourn at <br />11:30 PM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />--------------------------- <br />Carol A. Williams, Clerk <br />City of Hugo <br />