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DECEMBER 49 1978 <br />6.6, -Police Chief <br />MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, that <br />Chief be directed to have the Pfilice Officers <br />ed by the City of Hugo have a physical checkup <br />own personal physicians. The Police Chief is <br />scope of the examination. Copies of physicals <br />to the city by April 1, 1979. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Irsfeld and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />6.7 Attorney <br />2 S 11 <br />the Police <br />that are employ - <br />with their <br />to determine the <br />to be turned in <br />Mr. Johnson submitted his monthly report. In reagrd to the NSP easement <br />matter, Johnson and Kuusisto have been in contact with NSP's engineer and <br />attorney. LaValle felt that the City should be a party to the condemnation <br />proceedings, and Johnson stated that the city has their concern in the matte <br />on record. Kuusisto stated that the city is exploring two possibilities to <br />try and resolve the problem: 1) Move horizontal, curve 200' south, and <br />2) move the road West to stay within the west 75' of the NSP easement. <br />Kuusisto and Johnson will keep in touch with NSP 's representatives. <br />Mr. Johnson will submit a draft ordinance for!misdemeanor penalties to the <br />Ordinance Committee for their review. The State has increased the fine lim <br />to $500.00; <br />6.8 Engineer <br />Mr. Kuusisto submitted his monthly report. In regard to the Busse road <br />alignment, Kuusisto has been in touch with Mr. Ott, but he has not received <br />any direction from Mr. Busse at this point. Mr. Ott will be establishing <br />the north right-of-way line from the Busse driveway north. <br />Representatives from Hugo met with the Metro Waste Control Commission, and <br />the MWCC suggested that a letter be submitted requesting elimination of the <br />1975 charges. LaValle stated that he does not agree with Metro's basis for <br />determining gallonage. LaValle also felt that a more accurate meter is <br />needed at 180th Street. <br />6.9 Clerk <br />The Clerk presented a proposed Ordinance for the recent rezoning of Property <br />owned by Gerald Dabe. <br />MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Vail, to adopt <br />ORDINANCE 155 AN ORDINANCE AMINDING CHAPTER 320 OF THE <br />HUGO CITY CODE ENTITLED "ZONING" BY AMENDING THE ZONING <br />DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION OF DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. <br />The N,j of the SWj of the NE of Section 3 be changed <br />from Conservancy District to Agricultural District. <br />Irsfeld withdrew his motion for lack of 4/5's vote of the council. <br />A letter to Mr. Shober, Burlington Northern, has been submitted requesting <br />that the trains going through Hugo reduce their speed form 50 MPH to 30 MPH <br />hours. <br />MOTION: Vail mademotion, seconded by Irsfeld, to sign the letter <br />requesting reduced speed of the trains going through Hugo, <br />and submit to Mr. Shober. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Irsfeld and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />