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DECEMBER 49 1978 <br />MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Vail, to adopt <br />RESOLUTION 1978-41, A RESOLUTION DETERMINING MILEAGE COSTS <br />AT 17¢ PER - MILE, EFFECTItii-*: jA NU'AIff 19 1979. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Irsfeld and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />8.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Inspection Checklists <br />A rough draft of the proposed checklists for city inspectors.was_submitted. <br />The City Clerk has been directed to submit copies of the checklists to the <br />Heating Inspector and Plumbing Inspector for their comments for the meet- <br />ing of December 18, 1979. <br />9.0 NEW BUSINESS <br />The White Bear School District is no longer going to maintain the hockey <br />rink at the Hugo Elementary School. They are asking for the cooperation <br />of the city to maintain it. The Fire Department has agreed to take care <br />of the flooding, and Carl Nordquist, school janitor, will remove the snow <br />with a snowblower, when able. The heaver snow will have to be removed with <br />a tractor. <br />MOTION: Vail made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, that the City of <br />Hugo authorize a contractor to remove snow from the hockey <br />rink at Hugo Elementary School when it becomes too deep <br />to be taken care of by the Janitor. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Irsfeld and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />MOTION: LaValle made motion, secondec by Irsfeld, to adjourn <br />at 11:00 PM. <br />All AXE. Motion Carried. <br />04, <br />Carol A. Williams, Clerk <br />City of Hugo <br />